Kati's Gundam Wing Shopp | ||||||||||||||||||
Ok so i guess that you can tell who my Fave Gundam pilot is. Yeah but i really don't like Trowa.......... I love Trowa. Allas...Trowa Barton (or rather Triton Bloom) is my one and only love..........those eyes and that unibang from hell......they just take my breath away. *-* ....... *ahem* anyways...there is some yaoi on this site........coupling 1x2...cus they are just sooo perfect for each other.......ALL of Gundam belongs to Sunrise and so on and not me *sniff sniff* so don't sue me. AND making Heero and Duo a couple is strickly for fanfictional idleals and they are not really a couple. SO DON'T SUE ME!!!!! ^.^ enjoy! | ||||||||||||||||||
Fan Stuff Fan Characters Quatrina Raberba Winner Laylila Maxwell Angel Fan Mechas Tenshi Nightmare Fan Fiction READ!!! * if you would like to submit some please send them to Jupiter84_99@yahoo.com Thanx* |
Pictures Heero Duo Trowa Quatra WuFei Yaoi (1x2) Groups Misc. |
Profiles Heero Duo Trowa Quatra Wufei Misc. |
The Mechas Wing Zero Deathscythe Heavyarms Sandrock Nataku/Shenlong |
HeeroxDuo Why are they such a cute couple? |
*-* TROWA!!! *-* You know you love Trowa too much when.... |
Quotable Quotes from: Our Boy in Sandex Our Boy in Black Our Boy in the Turtleneck Our Boy in Pink Our Chinese Boy |
*note to people who email me stuff* You will get full credit for anything and everthing that you send me...whether it be pics, quotes, information, fanfics, etc etc. ok? cool...if you have any questions feel free to email me with tem and i will do my best to get back t you with the answer! ^.^ Duo_no_Tenshi@yahoo.com |