2safeschools provides this free public service that allows anonymously reporting incidents of bullying allegedly occurring in the workplace. These reports are for research purposes at 2safeschools and also allowing for increased public awareness of workplace bullying of employees, managers and other staff. The press may also quote information and stats from this area. The reports will eventually be compiled and may be referred to in relevant 2safeschools and press articles. Before you submit a report please make sure it meets the criteria below. For a sample report: see below. Reports suspected of being false will not be posted. All spam will be deleted and never posted. All reports are covered under our disclaimer.
2safeschools does not inform employers of posted reports. Once an approved report has been posted on this site, you can inform the employer that the a report is posted here. Link to this area:
This research can include children you see bullied on the school bus, or at the school. The report should be completed by an adult. Children can make their own reports at: bullystoppers.com
Read these expectations before submitting a report
1.Persons names or initials cannot be used. This helps deter false reports. Please be specific about events: "An overweight female employee is constantly ridiculed by office staff sometimes even when present. Has spread to other employees." Include enough specifics about where the bullying is occurring so the employer can investigate (include Male or Female, department name, office building ID, school name, etc.) See example below.
2. Don't write: "I am being bullied" or "my fellow employee is being bullied" Instead write, for example: "A female employee is being bullied in the transportation department."
3. Reports are posted only after review. Reports submitted that include names or accuse the employer of negligence will be edited or not posted. You are responsible for what you write and could be held liable for making a false report.
4. 2safeschools reserves the right to refuse to post a report or remove a report for any reason and without an explanation provided.
Report Example
Date of Report: 7/09/08
Employer: Southwick Transportation Services
Number of employees: 130
State: Ohio
Person bullied is Male or Female: Female
What is happening? (be specific!): An overweight female employee is constantly ridiculed by office staff, even when present. Jokes and fat cartoons left in box about her overweight condition, uninvited fat free food coupons, diet and exercise ads. She sometimes tears and on occasion calls in sick, because of this constant ridicule.
Where and When it is happening? (be specific!): In the transportation department and sometimes over the two-way bus radio.
Any other facts that may help: Staff makes rude references. "Hide the food - here comes Fatty Ass." - "It is either an earthquake happening or Fatty Ass is coming up the stairs."