This page last upated on Saturday, March 18, 2000.

Welcome to page 5. I'm sure y'all haven't had enough of the wonderful
limericks and other verse I've presented, so here's some more.
Any time you get tired of them, just let me know.
Don't hold your breath waiting for me to do something about it. Arf!
Our favorite Chef Sven has been romanticized in limerick on page 4 of this site.
He is a chef well-known in Coconut Grove, FL, who is a master of his craft,
except for his propensity for stabbing himself in the hand while shucking oysters.
I have written these limericks to remind him to not take himself too seriously,
and to watch out for hurricanes at Scotty's Landing. This is the second installment.

You can still visit ChefSven's website if you want some good recipes
and Coconut Groveish humor. Just CLICK HERE. Be careful of the SPAM®!

More Little Willies are here, now!
(If you haven't seen the first ones, yet, go back to page 4.)

Little Willie hung his sister; She was dead before we missed her.
Willie’s always up to tricks. Ain’t he cute? He’s only six.
(Wild applause.)

Search the Bible in nine languages and multiple versions, or just read it online, at the Bible Gateway.

More to come on this page later, maybe, if I think of anything else. Wait and see. Wait right there.

If y'all liked this page, I'm sure you can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. More ultra-cool stuff to come, probably. I'll letcha know. I assure you, you won't
find any SPAM® on page 6. Meanwhile, try the button links at the bottom.

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