Image below edited by Yen

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You may be wondering about the image above. You see, most of the content of this website is from the Saga Frontier 2 Perfect Works book. I was frustrated seeing as there doesn't seem to be many SF2 websites out there. I know there are fans of this RPG. It's a wonderful game, and I want to do something for it even as something as mind-numbing as scanning images from the PW artbook. My problem; however, was that I do not have the leisure and time to devote fully to this website. I have so many other things I want and have to do. So in the end I decided to combine three into one. This SF2 webpage is to me not only a fanpage. It is an exercise in webpage design and image editing. It is also an extension of my learning of the Japanese language. So what you will see here are not only images from SF2, but also features and gimmicks of the web as well as a tutorial of sorts in Japanese. I don't expect many visitors. Truly, I just want to see what I can do. Still, I hope you enjoy your visit to this site. ~Yen (June 2000)

July 30, 2000
**Images of Misty added**
June 20, 2000
Additions in progress.

Note: I used Allaire Homesite in constructing this webpage. Resulting html looks fine in IE browsers. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as well in some Netscape browsers. I don't know how it looks in Opera browsers. You can still access the images. It's just the site that doesn't look too nice.

Watercolor Artworks
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Pen & Pencil Artworks
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**SD Gallery**
Miscellaneous Images

Yen's Main Xenogears Saga Frontier 2 Yuu Yuu Hakusho Houshin Engi Shadow Skill