~~~Main~~~Xenogears~~~Yuu Yuu Hakusho~~~Saga Frontier 2~~~Houshin Engi~~~Original Works~~~

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1999 Updates

Note: Updates here are general updates. This section is only updated when the main page is updated. Series and game specific sections updates are not posted here. What is only mentioned here is which sections have been updated since the last general update. For specific updates, go to respective sections.

June 20, 2000

Added a main links page.
All sections have been updated since June 17.
I am learning to use style sheets instead of fonts, so there is a general cleanup of the pages.
New sections are getting complicated.

June 17, 2000

Woohoo! I finally have a Main Page!
Saga Frontier II section now available.
Updates to the Xenogears Section
Updates to the Yuu Yuu Hakusho Section
Yes, I must be crazy!

May 23, 2000

Houshin Engi Section is now available.
An update to the Yuu Yuu Hakusho section
It's been a while since I have actually updated the updates page. There have been extensive updates to the Xenogears section, but I was too tired to mention it here as well. From now on, I'll just mention here which sections are updated. For more specifics, go to the desired sections.

April 13, 2000

Two parts added to the A-N Chapter of Rebuilding.
Will be fixing some inexplicable errors in the page.

Febraury 28, 2000

An addition to the Lahan Chapter of Rebuilding and something extra special!
(I know I am getting ahead. *sweatdrop*)
Joined a ring and spruced up my webpage a bit. I am slowly learning.

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Concerning Updates

There is now a ListBot. There will be a message with each Rebuilding update. Take note, this list is only for Rebuilding updates. Other elements of the page are not included. Significance no longer needs to be updated and Worlds Collide is finished. Other additions and fixer-uppers will also not be included in this list updates.

For those, who have send me an e-mail notification, saying that they want to be updated, I have send e-mails informing them about the ListBot. However, people who have e-mailed me about Rebuilding, but had not specified that they want to be updated, have not been included. ^^;; I didn't want to make presumptions and disturb anyone. However, if you did want to be included, please enter your e-mail address below.

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Writing status at this time:
Xenogears Fanfics
YYH Fanfics
Original story w/ illustrations done by Flik.
Miscellaneous projects

The rest of the A-N Chapter will be uploaded this weekend. I have to correct some errors first and proof read the other parts.

I'm also working on a novel with a friend despite both our busy schedules with school. :) Pure fantasy this story is, and it appeals to my fancy. I may post it online; however, I am leery of doing so. *grins* We plan to have it actually published. Something tells me I may as well start a printing press of my own.

Life is made sweeter with a touch of fantasy.

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~~~Main~~~Xenogears~~~Yuu Yuu Hakusho~~~Saga Frontier 2~~~Houshin Engi~~~Original Works~~~