This Subversive Sims site
is owned by Vendetta's Pale Sims

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This RingSurf Goth Sims webring Net Ring owned by Vendetta's Pale Sims.
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This time, you really can get to the non-pale skins page. Go to skins and follow the links from there. Sorry I haven't been able to update the site in a while. I'd planned to do a really big update with all kinds of goodies, unfortunately when I brought the things over to college I could only find one disk in my bag, no big deal, I thought. I can just put on a few things and promise to update again next week. Then when I put the disk that I could find into the computer it refused to let me open it! It just kept saying, 'Do you want to format the disk?' I didn't want to format the bloody disk! Anyway, check out the non-pale skins and I'll list the things I have prepared.

Later, VENDETTAxxx
welcome to Vendetta's Pale Sims...Pale Skins for all!...

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Coming Soon

--Set of six pale swimsuits
--Set of four pale lingerie
--Pale 'GothTeen' skin set
--Pale 'GothTeen' head
--Pale 'Princess' head
--Pale 'Princess' skins
--Two non-pale skins

...sounds good? Yeah?