Provided courtesy of Kyle S. VanLandingham
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"I have just closed the Peace Creek camp meeting--the best camp meeting that I ever had the privilege of attending.  For the first two days we felt discouraged and uneasy--discouraged, because our [Presiding Elder] Bro. Acton, did not come, for some cause unknown to the writer--uneasy, because we felt ourselves exposed to the raiders."

"But we were greatly relieved in this respect.  On Thurday evening, the vigilant Capt. Hendry, with his command, arrived--pitched their tents, and put out a strong picket guard around the encampment; and from that time the meeting went on harmoniously."

Augusta, GA
Southern Christian Advocate, Nov. 3, 1864

Capt. Henry A. Crane, 2nd Florida U.S. Cavalry, writing on June 18, 1864, reported the withdrawal of Confederate forces from Fort Meade to Alafia.  By October, when the Methodist Camp Meeting was held at Campground Branch, between Fort Meade and Bartow, Cow Cavalry forces under Capt. Hendry had reasserted control of the area. 

The campground was established by the Methodists in 1860.  The Hendrys, Carltons, Pearces, Durrances, Tillises, Parkers and Moodys were all prominent members of the Methodist Church.

A fascinating source on the religious lives of the people of the Peace River Valley and the involvement of Cow Cavalrymen in that very important human activity can be found in the minutes of the "Baptist Church of Christ at Peas Creek."  Founded in 1854 at what is now Bartow, it was the forerunner of Bartow's First Baptist Church.  Church services continued throughout the War.  The following are excerpts from minutes of the church during the War years.  Cow Cavalry members, their wives, and slaves are shown in boldface type


Saturday  April 30 1864

Pursuant to monthly appointment and after the preaching of a sermon by Elder J. M. Hayman, Conference was opened and an opportunity given for persons to unite with the Church when
Hopkins M. Wilder came forward and after relating an experience was received as a candidate for Baptism by giving the hand of Christian fellowship...

Sunday May 1st 1864

After the preaching of a sermon by Elder J. M. Hayman, an opportunity was given for persons to unite with the Church--when ...
Factor[?] a woman belonging to Jacob Summerlin presented themselves, and each stating an experience of grace, were duly received and with the above H. M. Wilder were baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman, after which services were concluded

J. M. Hayman  Pastor &
Acting Clerk

Saturday, June 11th 1864

After having engaged in a prayer meeting at candlelight an opportunity ws given for persons to unite with the Church, when
Frederick N. Varn, John E. Fewel and Aaron G. Zipperer presented themselves and on each of them relating an experience of grace, were duly received and the hand of Christian fellowship was given.

Sunday, June 12, 1864

Met at the waterside for baptism when
Francis J. Wilson, and Jasper Summerlin came forward and after each relating an experience of grace were received as candidates for baptism, immediately thereafter, the above named Frederick N. Varn, John E. Fewel, and Aaron G. Zipperer, as well as Francis J. Wilson and Jasper Summerlin were baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman, also a woman servant named Tener, belonging to Bro. Owen R. Blount, was received and baptized at the same time.  At eleven oclock A.M. Elder S. C. Craft delivered an interesting sermon to an attentive congregation and at candlelight engaged in prayer meeting, at the conclusion of which an opportunity ws given for persons to join the Church when Mrs. Frances Summerlin presented herself, and was received after stating to the church that she felt her sins were all forgiven. 

The services of the day were then closed in order--with the design of continuing to have a prayer meeting daily through the week....

Sunday, June 20th 1864

Convened for the purpose of attending to the ordinance of Baptism, when
Mrs. Frances Summerlin, ...were baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman...

An interesting sermon was then delivered by Elder S. C. Craft, after which the church partook of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 

After refreshments another discourse was delivered by J. M. Hayman after which, services were closed untill candlelight, at which hour a prayer meeting was held at the conclusion of which conference was opened, and an opportunity given for persons to join the Church, when
Francis C. M. Boggess presented himself and stated that he had been a Baptist for several years, he had his letter of dismission at his house, he confessed to have ? ? for, but had reason to hope the Lord had forgiven him, that he intended for the balance of his life to do better.  Matthew Davis also presented himself, and after relating an experience of grace, he and Bro. Boggess were received. Bro. Boggess to hand in his letter of dismission to the Church and bro. Davis to receive baptism at ? ? time to come.  After extending to them the hand of fellowship, the Church and congregation joined in singing the Hymn "Parting Hand" and the services were then closed in order....

P.S....letters of Dismission were given to...
Hopkins M. Wilder,...

Sunday July 3rd

At Eleven o'clock A.M. a sermon ws delivered by Elder S. C. Craft to a large and an interesting congregation with, we hope, good effect.  After partaking of refreshments,  ? 
Mathew Davis, who was standing over for baptism, was duly baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman...

The meeting was then adjourned untill tomorrow morning, to meet at the Campground six miles south of the Church....

Monday July the 4th 1864

At the hour of 11 o'clock A.M. a sermon was delivered by Elder S. C. Craft with apparent good effect.  A sermon was also delivered by Elder Hayman at three O'clock P.M. at the close of which an opportunity was given for persons to unite with the Church--when
Mrs. Margaret Brooker came forward and gave the Church satisfaction of having been for many years, as well as at present, a member of the Baptist Church, and having had a letter of dismission from the Church with which she was last connected, she has lost her letter, but asked to be received with the Church which was done.  Also Sister Margaret A. Boggess and Sister Georgia A. J. Sheppard, were received by letters.  Brother Andrew L. Wood, with his wife Relia A. Wood presented themselves and upon a statement that the Baptist Church to which they belonged in Manatee County had been broken up in consequence of the present war and consequently could not enjoy Church privileges, they were received into full fellowship. 

Then, also, came forward
William R. Flint, Edward Brooker, Nancy Altman, Ameica [?] D. Hickey, Louisa Rodgers, MaryWhidden, and John C. Blount, each one relating an experience of grace upon which they were then received as candidates for baptism, to be baptized at some time as soon as convenient....

July 10th, 1864

At a prayer meeting at candlelight, there was a great revival influence realized and some experienced conversion, mourners trembled, wept and asked to be prayed for...

Sunday, July 17, 1864

After the preaching of a sermon by Elder S. C. Craft, an opportunity ws given for persons to unite with the Church when
Solomon Godwin and Isaac Waters, came forward, and gave the church satisfaction of having once been members of the Baptist Church in good standing--and being without letters of dismission, were received upon their own statement, in full fellowship....

Sunday July 31st 1864

At a meeting at candlelight at the camp ground, an opportunity was given to persons to join the Church, when
Mrs. Sarah A. Flint and Miss Caroline M. Starnes, came forward and after relating an experience of grace, were received for Baptism.  Also, William Altman came, and stating to the Church that he had been a member of a Baptist Church in good standing; but being without  letter of dismission, he was received into full fellowship upon his statement.  Also Moses A. McClelland was received for baptism, upon relating an experience of grace....

Sunday July 31, 1864

At a prayer meeting held at the campground an opportunity was given for persons to unite with the Church, when
William Altman, Moses A. McLelland, Caroline M. Starns, and Sarah Flint came forward and each relating an experience of grace, were duly received as candidates for baptism....

Saturday, August 6th 1864

Pursuant to monthly appointment a sermon was preached by Elder J. M. Hayman after which conference was opened and an opportunity given for persons to join the Church, when
John Altman, Jane L. Mansfield, and Ann M. Marsh presented themselves and after each of them relating an experience of grace were received as candidates for baptism....

[Sunday] August 7th 1864

...a way was opened for persons to unite with the church when
Mrs. Mary A. Fewel, Miss L. Oregon Hendry, Mrs. Mary J. Blount, John Altman, Nancy J. Altman, Mrs. Rebecca J. Hill, Miss Adelie Kendrick, M[?] Jane L. Mansfield and Miss Sarah L. Blount came forward, and each relating an experience of grace were received for baptism.

The services of the hour were then concluded, and after partaking of refreshments assembled at the waterside, and after appropriate exercises, the following named persons were duly baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman, to wit: 
John Altman; Nancy C. Altman; John C. Blount; William R. Flint; Sarah H. Flint; Mary A. Fewel; Caroline M. Starns; L. Oregon Hendry; Addie Kendrick; Mary Jane Blount; Rebecca J. Hill; Missouri Hancock; Martha J. Durrance; Miranda Franklin; Ann M. Marsh; and Jane L. Mansfield and after a prayer meeting at night; the exercises of the day were closed in order.

J. M. Hayman   Pastor
& Acting Clerk

Saturday, Sept. 3rd 1864

...The Church then sat in Conference, the records of the last Conferences were read and approved. The Decorum for the government of this Church was then read--and on motion, the 3rd Article of said Decorum was struck out.

The following Preamble and Resolutions wer adopted to wit:
Whereas, there are great differences of opinion in the great Baptist family in regard to the washing of each others feet, therefore be it Resolved that the washing or not washing of the saints feet shall be no test of fellowship in this Church.

Elder Hayman the Pastor then reported to the Church that on the 19th of the last month, he baptized brother
Moses A. McLelland, some time since received by this Church, and his wife Sarah McLelland was received and baptized at the same time--several members of this Church being present and approving the same.  On motion the report was received.

Conference was then closed in order.

Thursday Sept. 22nd 1864.

At the close of the weekly prayer meeting, an opportunity was given for persons to unite with the Church, when Miss Cornelia A. Hendry, came forward and after relating an experience of grace and received as a candidate for baptism.

Sunday, Oct. 2nd 1864.  Met pursuant to adjournment, and after preaching by Elder Hayman, sister
Cornelia A Hendry was duly baptized by Eld. J. M. Hayman...

Sunday, Nov. 6, 1864.

Mrs. Mary Flint, Martin Flint...came forward and upon each relating an experience of grace, were received and duly baptized by Elder J. M. Hayman,...

Saturday, Feb. 4, 1865

Sarah McLelland requested the Church to grant her a letter of dismission, which was done and the Pastor was requested to write her a letter, and have it to her.  It was then made known to the Church that certain members of this Church to wite:  brethren F.C.M. Boggess, J. E. Fewel and Moses A. McLelland & J.J, Blount has been intoxicated.  It was therefore ordered by the Church that they be cited to attend our next monthly conference meeting; and give the Church satisfaction in this matter; and the Moderator appointed as a committee to wait on these three[?] brethren, bro. D. Stanford & bro. W.B. Varn....

March the 4th 1865

...The referances were then taken up, and the committee on the cases of Brethren
Boggess, Fewell, Blount & McLelland, reported, and those brethren not being present, but having expressed to the Committee their intention of being present--on motion their cases were continued untill our next conference....

At candlelight part of the membership of the Church engaged at the Church house, in the duty of washing each others feet....

Saturday, April 1st 1865

...The cases of brethren
Boggess, Fewell, Blount & McLelland were postponed untill they could have a chance of meeting with the Church....

Sunday, May 7th 1865

...letters of dismission were granted to the following named members of this Church--to wit: 
Martin Flint, Mary Flint, William Flint; & Daniel Flint...

Saturday, July 1, 1865

...Elder J. M. Hayman...also informed the Church that it was a mistake as to giving letters of dismission to any of the Flints except
William R. Flint as they do not wish to be dismissed....Bro. Moses A. McLelland being present, his case  ?    ?   and he came forward and confessed his wrongs, and asked the forgiveness of the Church, was unanimously granted.  Brother F.C.M. Boggess being present his cae was deliberated for some time, he denying the charge and by motion it was continued untill our next meeting....

Saturday Aug. 5th 1865

...The case of Bro.
J. J. Blount was called up, and he, being present, stated to the Church that had done wrong, in many things, and that he was sorry for having done so, and asked the forgiveness of the Church, which was unanimously granted....The committee in the case of Bro. Boggess reported that they had not seen him so as to confer with him since our last meeting, the question was discussed for a while, after which, on motion, he was expelled from the Church for drunkness....

Saturday, December 2nd, 1865.

...By their request Elder S. C. Craft and his wife, Sister Margaret S. Craft, Sister Joanna B. Wilder,
formerly Joanna D. Hendry, and
Cornelia A. Wilder, for[merly] Conrelia A. Hendry, were granted letters of dismission....