Provided courtesy of Kyle S. VanLandingham
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SOURCE---Fla. Confederate Pension File of David E. Waldron, Fla. State Archives, and Hartman and Coles, Biographical Rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union Soldiers 1861-1865, Vol. 3, pp. 895, 901.

There are a few instances where persons served in the Confederate Army, then deserted, and years later applied for military pensions.  This happened with David E. Waldron, a private in Co. B, 9th Fla. Infantry, who was on detached service driving cattle after Oct. 8, 1863.  When he applied for a pension in 1902 it was approved and Waldron was a member of the local United Confederate Veterans camp in DeSoto Co., Fla.  In 1907 allegations were made that Waldron had been a deserter.  The State Board of Pensions investigated and inquired of James McKay, Jr., if he knew if Waldron had deserted.  McKay said he was "not sure" but asked the State Comptroller to contact Francis B. Hagan, former member of Waldron's unit. Hagan had also been detached to service driving cattle under McKay and later served in Capt. F. A. Hendry's Cow Cavalry unit.

He wrote a letter to the Secretary of the State Dept. of Pensions on Jan. 7, 1908 which is printed below.  Subsequently, Waldron was suspended from the rolls.  He died in late 1908.


Pinelevel Fla
Jan 7th 1908

Hon Jefferson Bell


I reply to your communication of 27 ult with Enclosures.  Will say I know very little of Mr. David E. Waldrons service.  I was most of the time from Oct 1st 1863 [until] the close of the war either in the wood hunting Beef Cattle for the Confederate Govt or on the road from Fort Mead to Madison Florida driving Cattle to that point for the army.  Therefore had little opportunity of knowing of Mr Waldrons services.

In reference to the Charge of Desertion against him, all I can say is that I saw David E. Waldron on or about the 8th day of January 1865 and he told me he was on his way to Fort Myers and asked me to go with him.  I declined to do so and Mr. Waldron left me

Some two weeks after I was with a detachment of Capt F. A. Hendry Co commanded by Lieutenant F. C. M. Boggess and he Captured David E. Waldron one A. W. Garner and Mathew P. Lyons.  They admitted they had been to Fort Myers.  As to whether Mr. Waldron joined the Federal Forces at that place I know not.  Waldron was sent to Head Quarters Either at Lake City or Tallahassee and remained a Prisoner [until] the close of the War.

I perhaps should state that Fort Myers was at that time Jan 1865 Garrisoned by United States Troops and was the point to Which most of those leaving the Confederate Lines went for Federal Protection.  This is I think all I know about the matter.  I was a member of Capt J. W. Pearsons Co. B. 9th Fla. [until] detached by Cap Jas McKay, Jr. Oct 1863.

Respectfully               F. B. Hagan