Provided courtesy of Kyle S. VanLandingham
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The following article appeared in the Tampa Florida Peninsular, December 1, 1860:

Hillsborough County Speaks !

"The South should Govern the South."


In pursuance to a call for a "Mass Meeting of the citizens of Hillsborough County, irrespective of party, to take into consideration the propriety of instructing our Delegates in the Legislature to use their best efforts to call a Convention of the State, to take into consideration the action of the State in the present emergency of affairs, and other matters vital to the interests of the South," there was a large crowd gathered at Alafia, on Saturday, Nov. 24th.  The meeting was organized by calling Col. Wm. I. Turner to the Chair, and Wm. J. Spencer and John A. Henderson to the position of Secretaries.

The Chairman, in a very acceptable manner, explained the object of the meeting.

On motion of Maj. H. L. Mitchell, a Committee of five were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the Convention, which was composed of Rev. W. H. Meredith, W. B. Henderson, Edward Jones, W. L. Campbell, and John Pearce, who, after retiring for consultation, reported as follows:

The Committee to whom was referred the drafting of business for the action of the meeting, respectfully submit the following Preamble and Resolutions, viz:

WHEREAS, It has now certain that Abraham Lincoln has been elected President of the United States; and whereas, that election determines the fact that the powers of this Government have passed into the hands of a section
only of this Union, and of a section implacably hostile to our interests and our institutions, we, the citizens of Hillsborough County, deeming it our duty to express to the General Assembly of our State, to convene next Monday, our hopes and wishes upon this emergency, and deeming a call of a Convention to consider of secession a measure evidently demanded by the exigencies of this occasion, do solemnly adopt the following Resolutions:--

Resolved, 1st, That, henceforth we lay aside all former party distinctions, and forget all former bitterness and animosities, and unite as Floridians and patriots in the protection of our homes, our firesides and our property.

Resolved, 2d, That we earnestly recommend the General Assembly to promptly call a convention of the people of this State, to meet at the earliest possible moment, and sever our connection with the present Government.

Resolved, 3d, That we recommend that the Counties of this State be represented in said State Convention by a number of delegates equal to the representation of said Counties, and that the said Convention should meet as soon as practicable.

Resolved, 4th, That we respectfully recommend that the General Assembly to not elect a Senator to fill the vacancy now existing in our Federal Representation.

Resolved, 5th, That copies of the foregoing Preamble and Resolutions be sent to our Senator and Representative in the General Assembly, with instruction to place them before their respective bodies; and that they are hereby further requested and instructed to act in accordance with the letter and spirit thereof.

Resolved, 6th, That we will not submit to the administration of this Government by said Lincoln--that we will maintain the rights, liberties and honor of the Sovereign State of Florida at any and all hazards.

Resolved, 7th, That it is the sense of this meeting, that the existing laws in reference to the slave population, as to their government and privileges, are lame and defective; therefore we earnestly recommend and request that our General Assembly enact more salutary and stringent laws for our peace and safety as citizens of this Commonwealth.

                                                W. H. MEREDITH, Ch'n.

After the reading of the Resolutions, eloquent and forcible speeches were made in favor of their adoption, by Hon. Simon Turman, Rev. W. H. Meredith and Joseph Harris, Esq., when on motion, they were unanimously adopted;

On motion, it was ordered that these proceedings be published in the
Florida Peninsular.

On motion, the following petition was presented for signatures, and signed by many of those present:--

"To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida, in General Assembly convened:--

"We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Florida, and County of Hillsborough, believing, as we do, since the election of Lincoln as President of the United States, that Florida cannot, with honor to herself or fidelity to her sister Southern States, submit to Black Republican rule, would respectfully suggest to your Honorable Body--First, not to go into the election of an United State Senator to succeed Mr. Yulee; Second, that a Convention be called immediately, by the Legislature, to take into consideration the future action of the State in the present emergency.

John P. Crichton,
H. L. Mitchell,
John Darling,
R. F. Nunez,
H. A. Crane,
C. L. Friebele,
David Grinder,
J. T. Lesly,
W. S. Spencer,
W. H. Ross,
R. N. Pylant,
J. M. Hayman,
J. A. Henderson,
W. L. Campbell,
W. C. Brown,
James Smith,
O. A. Myers,
J. E. Bowden,
R. B. Turner,
Sherrod Edwards,
Edmund Jones,
W. E. Sweat,
Jacques Townsend,
Simon Turman,
B. W. Johnson,
W. I. Turner,
J. E. Spencer,
M. L. Shannahan,
W. P. Wilson,
S. B. Todd,
W T. Coons,
L. G. Covacevich,
T. W. Givens,
W. H. Brown,
S. G. B. Brewer,
W. J. Hooker,
Wm. Cooley,
Jas. Williams,
E. M. Thompson,
W. J. Spencer,
Robert Canning,
Jonas Watkins,
J. T. Givens,
W. B. Hooker,
John Pearce,
Timothy Bryant,
James Alderman,
Joseph Harris,
W. B. Moody,
Joshua Riggs,
J. D. Haygood,
J. E. Driggers,
H. L. Crane,
F. Branch,
J. F. Deshong,
J. F. Fletcher,
A. J. Fisher,
Charles Russell,
Thomas Fisher,
C. A. M. Mitchell,
J. S. Turner,
B. J. Hagler,
W. G. Ferris,
J. M. Jandrell,
James Donathan,
Robert Jackson,
E. N. Lockhart,
Reason Duke,
W. H. Meredith,
James Gettis,
Gideon Hague,
M. V. Simmons,
E. Dexter,
L. D. Ross,
F. M. Durrance,
S. Stringer

Mrs. E. A. McCarty,
Mrs. L. Porter,
Mrs. A. M. Robarts,
Mrs. Annie Smith,
Mrs. E. Rice,
Mrs. Abijah Turman,
Mrs. M. S. Post,
Mrs. N. T. Haygood,
Mrs. R. B. Thomas,
Miss M. E. Crichton,
Miss M. J. McCarty,
Miss Azaline Coons,
Miss L. H. Branch,
Miss C. Ponce,
Miss J. Givens,
Miss J. Kennedy,
Miss E. Marsh,
Mrs. M. McKay,
Mrs. M. A. Branch,
Mrs. S. L. Clarke,
Mrs. M. Turman,
Mrs. M. A. Hooker,
Mrs. V. Leonardy,
Mrs. J. Vigil,
Mrs. C. S. Hart

The following pledge of the Federal Oficers was then read and received with applause:

We, the undersigned Federal Officers, do pledge ourselves to resign our offices on or before the third day of March next, and join with the above subscribers in petitioning the Legislature to call a convention of the State, and to refuse to elect a Senator to the United States Senate.
                       H. V. Snell, Dept. Col.,
                       M. Post, Rec'r P.M.,
                       A. DeLaunay, P.M., Tampa.

I subscribe to the above, with the understanding that I will not under any circustances, hold office under Abe Lincoln's administration.
                       Jesse Carter, Register.

I also subscribe to the above.
                       A. Wardehoff, P.M., Alafia.

On motion, the meeting adjourned,
sine die.

                      WM. I. TURNER, Ch'n.

Wm. J. Spencer          }  Secretaries.
John A. Henderson,    }