Provided courtesy of Kyle S. VanLandingham
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Source: "Petition of Daniel Sloan," August 18, 1865, Case Files of Applications of Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons, 1865-67, record group 94, M-1003, roll 15, NA.

Tampa Fla. Aug. 18, 1865.

To His Excellency,
Andrew Johnson, President of the U.S.
Washington D.C.

Your Petitioner Daniel Sloan who is a citizen of Polk County in the State of Florida Respectfully represents,

1st.  That he has aided in the present Rebellion by holding a commission as 1st Lieutenant in the Confederate States Army, which place he continued to hold until he ascertained himself to be beyond the conscript age, to wit, over fifty years of age, and no longer.

2nd.  That he is worth over twenty thousand dollars, and that notwithstanding he voted for Representatives to the State convention who advocated secession and that he held the commission as 1st Lieut. aforesaid, he is desirous of returning to his allegiance to the Govt of the United States.  Wherefore
He prays that your Excellency will extend to him Executive Clemency and restore him to all the rights of citizenship.  And he will every pray &c.

Daniel Sloan

Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Tampa Fla. this 18th day Aug. 1865
Edward Henderson
Lt. 99th U.S.C. Infty.
Comdg. Post of Tampa