Provided courtesy of Kyle S. VanLandingham
This is a transcript of the Application for Pardon of Jacob Summerlin, dated September 12, 1865.  Under President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan, most former Confederates could take the amnesty oath which operated as a pardon for their involvement in the "rebellion." There were a number of exceptions, however.  One was if you were worth more than $20,000. These pardon applications were self-serving documents so they should be taken with a grain of salt.  Nevertheless, it is a significant document, considering Summerlin's involvement in providing cattle to the Confederate army and his subsequent membership in Hendry's Company.

Source:---"Petition of Jacob Summerlin," September 12, 1865, Case Files of Applications of Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons, 1865-67, record group 94, M-1003, roll 15, NA.


Tampa Fla  Sept. 12th '65

To His Excellency,
Andrew Johnson, Prest U.S.
Washington D.C.

Your Petitioner Jacob Summerlin, who is a citizen of Polk County in the State of Florida, Respectfully respesents:--

1st--That he is worth more than twenty thousand dollars.

2nd-That he is, and has been all the time oppposed to secession and in favor of the Union of all the States.

3rd-That he has been connected with the Rebellion as a Contractor to furnish Beef cattle to the armies of the so-called Confederate States, and that he was a private in Capt. F. A. Hendrys Co. of Col Munnerlyns Spec Batt of the Fla Cav; That he became a contractor as aforesaid in self defence because his property was principally in cattle, and the authorities of the so called Confederate States gave him his choice either to deliver his beef himself, & receive compensation therefor, or to have them impressed by military authority, and trust to the honesty of others & the chances of badly conducted systems of impressment for payment for his cattle.  When the money was absolutely necessary for the support of himself & family.  And that he was compelled to enter the service, as a private as aforesaid by the force of the conscript act.

4th-That in the Discharge of his various duties as a Contractor and as a private soldier he conducted himself with honesty and humanity.  As a contractor, he gave every man his rights and opposed the Unionists no more than those that favored the Rebellion.  And, as a private soldier he has never violated any of the rules of civilized warfare.

5th-That he has never been in an engagement during the war, has never fired a shot at a citizen of the United States, has never oppressed the families of refugees and never aided in persecuting any man or set of men for their opinions.

6th-That is he desirous of returning to his allegiance to the United States, and to be restored to the  United States, and to be restored to all of his rights of property under the Constitution and the proclamations of the President.  That he pledges himself to become and continue a faithful adherent to the Government and an honest law-abiding citizen thereof.

Therefor may it please Your Excellency to grant to him Executive Clemency and to restore him to all of his rights as a citizen of the United States and he will as in duty bound ever pray & etc.

Jacob Summerlin

Provisional Florida Governor William Marvin endorsed the application for Pardon.
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