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Captain John C. Wilcox's Company "B"


Capt. John C. Wilcox
1st Lt. Thomas Stubbs (became captain after Wilcox was furloughed)
2nd Lt. D. P. Snell
2nd Lt. Leroy A. Whittier


Sgt. B. F. Lyons
1st Sgt. Daniel Luther Ricks
2nd Sgt. George W. Brown
3rd Sgt. Larkin B. McTyier
1st Cpl. James M. Clardy
2nd Cpl. H. B. Blount
3rd Cpl. James M. Foy


Adams, C. D.
Arlin, John
Barnes, James
Bevan, Richard
Blount, Samuel J. C.
Blount, William S. J. J.
Brown, Bryan
Burnett, Britton J.
Burnett, Daniel William
Carter, John G.
Clardy, Daniel B.
Clardy, Thomas Alvia
Clark, John F.
Clements, W. W.
Copland, W. W.
Davis, Thomas
Davis, William
Dempsey, George W.
Durden, William J.
Durne, D. H.
Foy, Pleasant S.
Frink, J. W.
Gaskins, Fisher
Gillis, C. C.
Gillis, N. C.
Gornto, J. J.
Hammock, Samuel
Hardee, James Blacksher
Hart, L.
Hays, E. J.
Hicks, R. L.
Holmes, J. L.
Hunter, Richard H.
Hurst, Littleton
Johns, Andrew Jackson
Johnson, Arch
Keen, George F.
Knight, Aaron W.
Lunke, D. J.
McCrimmon, John A.
McMillan, J. A.
Miller, J. F.
Moore, Allen
Newsom, Benjamin A.
Parrish, A. A.
Parrish, William F.
Patten, J. L.
Revels, Owen John
Revels, Randal
Ricks, L. D.
Roberts, James
Rogers, R. F.
Roney, J.
Roundtree, John A.
Roundtree, W.J.
Rucker, T.
Ryall, W. R.
Sanders, J. W.
Sapp, John
Spirus, N. C.
Sutton, B. F.
Thomas, Elias
Thomas, Lewis A. M.
Williams, S. R.
Williams, James K.
Wilson, James A.
Young, E.

Sources:  Hartman, David W., comp., and David Coles, assoc. comp.,
Biographical Rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union Soldiers 1861-1865, 6 vols., (Wilmington, NC, 1995), V, 2019-2034, 2058, 2061; Soldiers of Florida in the Seminole Indian, Civil and Spanish-American Wars (1903), 315; Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Florida, M-251, Roll 5, "First Battalion, Special Cavalry", NA; Special Order #125, Oct. 6, 1864.