Many good-willed people have attempted to do their part in order to help the political and public-relations situation in Judaea, Samaria, and Gaza. Those individual, partisan causes lack the single crucial element that is the sine qua non for success in any large-scale venture: communication.
All too many of those do-gooders waste their time and effort flooding our e-mailboxes with emails and chain letters demanding positive action for Yesha. They may feel that they are doing their part by sending out messages. They aren’t. They are merely annoying the recipients and misusing the vast benefits of e-mail.
As a result, their pathetic efforts are ignored. After all, we know how to use our Delete keys judiciously.
What a shame. Their well-intentioned efforts are in vain, yet they do feel a need to do something. They will continue to waste their time with these efforts until somebody activates them in a positive, fulfilling, and worthwhile manner which can lead to results - or until they are burned out because of their ineffectiveness.
These people and others are potential activists. They are begging to have real leaders channel their activities. A unified, coordinated communications system can spearhead these people into a massive effort that will result in dramatically effective action. This effort can take place with the right tool.
That tool - communication - is available right now.
An e-mail posting that comes from a well-known group with [Yesha] on the Subject line will be read and respected. A chain letter from a distant cousin will be ignored or deleted.
Recently, some well-minded activists attempted to initiate a weekly walk through a part of town inhabited largely by Arabs. Within weeks, the group dwindled from a few organizers and friends to oblivion. Today, the activists have nothing to show for their effort.
Did they accomplish anything? No.
After a few more uncoordinated efforts these potential activists will give up and retire.
Another well-meaning group wanted to raise money for basic protective necessities in Yesha. The initial weak publicity blitz was rapidly forgotten. An e-mail to the address on their publicity was never answered.
What a shame. Effective communication could have channeled that same energy could into positive and effective action. Will these activists devote themselves to other efforts after their failure?
With e-mail communications.
Today, no communication medium is more effective than e-mail. Not newspaper, not radio, not TV, and not a website. When we talk about judiciously implemented professional e-mail (as opposed to partisan efforts by those who mean well) those who mean well), we’re talking about real Power.
Our enemies know this. They are now waging a war of words against us – and they are winning. Their words stand behind their guns, and our lame, pathetic responses are ignored.
My experience from moderating about 40 Jewish discussion groups has proved the effectiveness of e-mail. These groups receive continuous publicity throughout the world. They are quoted in the press and the other media. Most active Jews know about them. They are the voice of unity.
Yesha activists are demanding a similar communications forum. They want a force that will guarantee results.
The technical details for that forum are already in place. the forum is waiting for a moderator, facilitator, and activator to be recruited and for activists to join. The real, long-delayed work can begin from that point.
We no longer have room for yet another meaningless grass-roots forum. We no longer have patience for lazy organizations that are unwilling to take a clear, active, and immediate stand. We can no longer afford to sacrifice potential activists to floundering efforts as in the past.
In case the message is not yet sufficiently clear: We must establish an immediate professional forum with an initial nucleus of no fewer than 10,000 subscribers.
They are waiting for us.
Anybody who lives in Yesha should join the group. They are all activists. Concerned people, activists, and affiliated Jews from all walks of life, throughout the rest of the world must be urged to join.
If the Yesha leaders care enough to take an active stand, they will attract the right professional and at least 10,000 e-mail addresses - now.
But if they don't care, they will demonstrate it by ignoring this call to action.
Our future is at stake.
Let's get moving.
© David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from the author.
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