Ion channels is my major research area. This page include detailed information
about theoretical approaches developed to describe the functional properties
of potassium and sodium channels. It also contain some experimental results, literature review, links, speculations etc.
The mistery of protein folding is one of the most challenging topics of
modern biology. I'm currently involved in research project of hierarchical
folding modelling, which is briefly described here.
This page is about the finished project in enzymatic catalysis modelling. It's
compiled from two published papers. We've found surprisenly easy explanations
of fundamental questions such as 'Why the enzymes are BIG?'.
A year ago I've found some Bryce images on the Web and realized that I'll
dye without it!
Bryce is an endless space for creativity and probably the
best way to waste a working time. Examine my best pictures here!
Ylib is a small self-made library of Javascript functions for writing cross-browser DHTML web pages.
It implements showing and hiding layers, returns correct references to objects
in layers regardless of the browser and so on. This page is created using Ylib.
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© Semen Yesylevskyy, 2001
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Semen Yesylevskyy
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