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"The YES Musketeers"

The "YES Musketeers", is a brand new concept. The YES Musketeers are a group of "do-gooders", seeking to improve the lives of others without reward, without recognition, and sometimes without thanks, and most definitely, frequently without reason.

I had just created
"The Norman Award" (click for more info) in honour of my father and his incredible "determination in the face of adversity", when it occurred to me that my mother deserved as much recognition as the "silent angel", without whom we all KNOW, my dad would NOT have the strength of character to continue his fantastic driving attitude.  In honour of my mother, I created the "YES Musketeers".  In both "The Norman Award" & the "YES Musketeers", the good work will continue long after all of us have passed on... now there is something to be proud of!!

The day after I planned this group in my head, I heard of something similar in London called "join me", unfortunately the "leader" of the group really (still) doesn't have a goal in mind and he was simply inspired by his Swiss grandfather who wanted to start a commune on his farm, but gave up when only 3 people joined.  
That evening on Sky TV there was a film called "Pay it Forward", with the storyline of a young boy who had worked out his matrix of helping three people for no apparent reason, and instead of paying him back, he wanted them to "Pay it Forward". If each person helped three more, the statistics quickly exploded to affecting people all around the world.

Have you ever just picked up a piece of rubbish just because it was there?  or helped someone up that had stumbled? cleaned an old friend's glasses?  or just made someone smile because you knew you could.
Have you ever had someone say to you "you made my day!" ?   and how did that make you feel?

I believe that all of us want to "make a difference" in some way whilst we're on this planet.  If we can contribute in some way without the need for significance or recognition, we will feel better inside about ourselves.

The Plan
Each month "The Musketeers" will be assigned a task, such as "top-up a stranger's parking meter", "offer directions to someone holding a map", "gift a bottle of water to a security guard/doorman", "wave to all kids everywhere", "stop to speak with a lollipop lady or a cleaner" (and especially make a note of asking & using their name in conversation).

Next Stage
All "YES Musketeers"  will be given a membership number.  There is no membership fee, but it will be nice to keep a database and even geographical details so that we can have well-deserved FUN events and even a party or two, and co-ordinate members by notifying you of events in your area.


Mike Berry  ;-)


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"LIFE will never be the same again"