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"The YES Musketeers"

To join "The YES Musketeers", you should firstly print out & complete this form, then FAX to 0800-915-8688.  You should then click on the email link at the bottom to confirm that you have sent your form and attach a digital photograph of yourself to be added to the database.

Full Name;                                        Nickname;                                        

Gender;            Date of Birth;                      




Tel; (Home)                                      (Mobile)                                           

Email; (please write carefully)                                                                  

2nd email;                                                                                                

Tell us a bit about yourself; Pets, family, hobbies, unique abilities, skills,






Any Personal Development Experience?;






Any Suggestions / Ideas to improve this concept?;





Now email to confirm you have printed this page out and you shall be faxing or emailing back.  please attach ONE digital piccie of yourself.  Email Confirmation want to join the YES Musketeers



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"LIFE will never be the same again"

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