Yes they are...
Both royal pains in the ass
Yes they are...
Sexy and gorgeous and utterably droolable
Yes they are...
The perfect couple
Yes they are...
And there's nothing you can do to stop it!
This site features exclusively SLASH fiction and SLASH photos (rated G through NC-17). Slash revolve around same sex pairings, such as Spike and Xander, and Spike and Angel. If you find this kind of relationship offensive, first get a clue, and second, go somewhere else. This is not the site for you.
Last Updated On April 26, 2002
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This is my OTHER Buffy site, and it features Buffy/Spike fiction.
I am also the webmistress for the Buffy/Spike archive at
This page was created on January 1, 2002,
and since that day
people have visited it.
I do not claim to own any of the characters or trademarks enclosed within this site or the stories archived here.