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FINAL UPDATE: 04 October 2009, 2222 Hours EST
Well, it's with great sadness I make this update. This website was always touch and go, with years passing between changes. It never received the attention I've wanted to give it just for lack of time, more important things to do, and simple laziness. I always wanted to do a complete rebuild to bring it "up to snuff" but I never did. "It's just a Geocities website," after all. An ugly collection of simplistic websites with giant ad-banners thrown all over them. Can't do much with that. And now, I guess I won't get that chance.

By my rough guess, this page first appeared online in the early months of 1998. Although the Rooks site is an insignificant website in the grand scheme of things, it's decade-plus-long existence concerning a tabletop game always held a very important spot in my heart: This was my very first website! I've since become a literal "technology professional" with a degree in Computer Science and everything. Comparing my recent work with this simple messy collection of HTML and images is to compare a Ford Model T to a Ford Mustang (...Okay, maybe a Ford Taurus - I'm not all that good) - yet this remains where I started.

As Yahoo continues with it's plans to pull the plug on Geocities - where so many of us tentatively dipped our toes into waters of web creation for the very first time - this, and so many other websites, will be destroyed. Banished to the ether of deletion. It is something of an end to an era: hundreds, if not thousands, of odd and rambling collections of websites - from the useless to useful, common to esoteric, the strange and silly and poignant and meaningless and important. Gone, at the flip of a switch. This too shall pass.

It's far too late in the game to think this will be archived or, for that matter, that a single soul other than myself will read this. But I suppose that doesn't really matter in the end.

So, I just need to say this: To the original Geocities creators and staff, to the FASA crew that created Battletech for giving me a hobby to write about, to my old computer teacher Mrs. Arbuckle for having us work on websites for the Computer Club, to all my friends back in high school who thought that the website was "neat," and my family who encouraged me to take this silly thing and somehow manufacture a career out of it, and to every last visitor I've ever had who honestly took a moment's enjoyment out of anything I've written online:

Thanks. For everything.

~Stephen Rimko

LAST MAINTENANCE UPDATE: 15 December 2004, 0147 Hours EST
LAST MATERIALS UPDATE: 28 July 2001, 2346 Hours EST

This site is just being "unmothballed". (For an example of how old this site is, notice that I still have FASA as the owner of Battletech, when FASA has been gone for quite a while now...) In effect, I had abandoned it, but I left it up because it was my first website. Then, I saw a new entry in the guestbook and realized people were still coming! As this site is no longer up to my standards, a new revised version is in the works. Until I can rework all the new fluff-n-crunch, this site will remain as is for a little while..

Updates are as follows:

  • Several small maintenance changes. I plan on doing a full rework of this website after I discovered that (Holy Crow!) people still visit it.

This site is constantly under modification and reconstruction.
Any BLUE section is down and not active for viewing at this time.

If there is anything you wish to submit for possible inclusion on these pages,
Email me at or click on the HPG Link above.

Battletech is a trademark of

Used without permission.

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