Dreams of Reality
Dreams of Reality by Sylvia Hubbard
ISBN:   0-7388-2554-9

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About Dreams of Reality, published August 2000 by S. Hubbard
Copyright (c) January 2000,
Sylvia Hubbard
Skye Patterson - 24-year old entrepreneur trying to make her way in the world all by herself since she was orphaned at birth - finds herself the victim of a mind controlling substance.  Moving to Detroit, was a big step emotionally, but she never thought it would be a big step mentally. The mind controlling drugs invade her life enveloping her in a world she never thought she could experience and a love that was too good to be true with one of her clients, Thaddeus Newman, a powerful construction business owner.
When she begins to experience the too real dreams she tries to convince herself they are not real, but as the dreams become more vivid, she delves deep into a world of pimps, businessmen, doctors, and murder, until she finds out what is really happening to her. With Thaddeus by her side, she is able to face her reality and conquer her fears.

Dreams of Reality touches on the new age drug, Ecstacy (GHB) in the revitalization of Motown, where a woman tries to make it alone and finds that in order to survive she has to make her dreams of love, into dreams of reality.
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Sylvia Hubbard is from the Westside of Detroit, Michigan.  Dreams of Reality is her first novel, but she has more to come.  As a member of The Detroit's Black Writer's Guild and coordinator of The Motown Writer's Network, Mrs. Hubbard volunteers as a teacher to potential young writers at Detroit Impact Community Center.  She works at the Detroit Police Department and she is a freelance proofreader, book doctor, and editor for several Internet publishing companies and word processing services.  In addition to this, she runs her own errand business and works as a full-time mother and wife.  Her writing has been featured on www.pipedreams.com, www.RomanceHaven.com and she had been a featured author on Nancy's Romance Nook.  If you would like to contact, Mrs. Hubbard, write her at: PO Box 27310, Detroit, MI 48227 or visit her web site : http://motownwriters.homestead.com/bio.html
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More Tidbits about the book and me:
      Dreams of Reality is released now!  It's available from the publisher www.Xlibris.com as tradeback book or e-book at this point and you can go to the web page for it either through my site to order a copy, (tradeback or e-book), or go directly there: www.Xlibris.com/dreamsofreality.html
      Also, as a little tidbit, I made up a HTML if you want to put on your page to direct people to Dreams of Reality, with a banner.  You are free to use it if you want:
<A HREF="http://www.xlibris.com/dreamsofreality.html/">
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Check out my new ebook,
Stone's Revenge or go to download chapters of my work in progress, Stealing Innocence at http://motownwriters.homestead.com/stealing.html.
Author's words and comments:
I use to lie when I was a little girl.  I mean I'd tell my mother some whoppers to the point she wouldn't ask me what happened.  Finally one day she said, you need to start writing those down on paper.  She bought me a notebook and a bunch of pencils on my eleventh birthday and since then I've been writing.  If one could see my mother's basement, one could see that I've been writing a long time.  Fifty to sixty stories lining journals, notebooks, pads, and papers.  One big fire hazard, but they are there and I've already started going through them just sorting out my thoughts and to figure out what the heck was I thinking back then.  My goal is to finish all those stories and then publish them.  In the end, I want to be remembered for the words I put on paper, the worlds I created for those who couldn't imagine, and for the lives I have touched with the creativity I inspired.

If I could offer any words for encouragement to any writer, it would be bottom line, DON'T STOP.  You were gifted with a talent to take someone to another place and time and that is a gift worth working at and taking to new heights every day.  Everyday you put your fingers on a keyboard, or put that pen on that paper, you are giving the Lord a big thank you and he will bless you for that.  As for finishing stories, I would tell anyone,
DON'T STOP!  Just write it until it's done.  There's always a point one comes to in a story when you just can't get over this boring hump in the book.  Keep writing through it and once you get to the end, go back and fix it, but just don't stop and go to another book.  Finish what you start.  The most important thing I've learned in life?  You guessed it, two words, DON'T STOP.  You catch on very quick.

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