Yes, HUMANIC-- it IS a word.  If you have a problem or somehow disagree with the grammar of this webpage please email me so I can clarify and explain it throroughly.  You'll be gently guided toward truth and see the error of your ways.  There are no grammatical errors in my website, there are mispelled words but no grammatical errors.  This is because no other words would suffice, I use precise language to convey a particular scenario or situation.  In my website I attempt to employ the optimum words to achieve the desired effect.  We can do this, and by we I mean us humans, we can do this language is so demonic* yet so intellectualizing, intellectualizing because the words we use shape (OR should I say "limit") our rationale, thought patterns and thought processes, limits our choices, ways of thinking, moods, etc. and ultimately result in behavior change.  Now, if we understand words and their origin and meaning (particularly the connotations of words) we can be free of their spell and ultimately free ot think as we choose.  Have you noticed that words, expressions, clichees and one liners come and go?  Certain words or expressions become fashionable while the expression of others is repressed, mocked,  ridiculed etc and deemed anathema.  This is done (by whom is the main question) but at any arte, this is done so as to condition people's ways of thinking.  There can be no greater behavior modification of the masses than through language manipulation.  I'll talk more on this subject later.  For now I want to build my website's skeleton and then add detailed content later.  The thing is to get it up and running.
* I'll go into detail later as to WHY language, and particularly "words" are demonic.
Thoughts on our upcomming evolution.

The Yezzidis were the very first recognized civilization that practiced hygiene on a regular basis and regarded personal hygiene of utmost importance for the benefit of their culture/society.  The first thing that separates them from the lesser animals is our cleanliness and hygiene.  By taking this step toward vanity, the yezzidis pushed humanity toward the next echelon in evolution.  Now it is time for us to make the next leap toward the next evolution.  Think of it (evolution) as jumping one from state to another, much the same as the electrons do when they jump from one quantum orbital to the other.  This being said, I do not beliebe that evolution is gradual and analog.  If anything  evolution is digital; always has and will be digital.  The next evolutionary level perhaps will not be so much a change in our overall physical make-up or structure, however, I do beliebe it will be physiological as it will be neurological, bio-chemical, spiritual, and metaphysical.  Our next evolution will be, and for those who are already experiencing the next evolutionary transformation, nothing short of a complete transformation at a cellular level.  The strand of DNA itself will undergo changes.  It's time for the next quantum evolutionary jump.  This next evolution WILL be digital.  I believe that this is wha the Aztecs were warning us or telling us about in their codexes, along with the Aztec calendar.  It stops on the Dec 21st of the 2012.  This is when the next evolutionary quantum jump is scheduled to occur.  More on this matter later.
These Days we hear a lot of people talk about "junk DNA", among them reputable people whose main concern should be the pursuit of truth, not the propagation of some political agenda.  The rest is a group composed of lunatics who don't know what thye are talking about, pseudo-philosophers, and idealists.  These sell-out scientists are so preoccupied with seeing their ideas in print without reagrd as to wether they are right or wrong  to the point of neglecting the scientific method.  They are quick to judge, scoff, and dismiss any ideas they don't like yet they fail to do the same with their surreal ideas.

The TRUTH is that there is no junk DNA.  There never has, and never will be junk DNA.  Simply because we can only account 'scientifically' for the purpose of 3% of our genome, and the remaining 97% of our dna continues to be apparently without purpose does not mean they are fodder nucleic acids.  Once we activate our remaining dna, 100% of it or a lesser percentage, then our mental/spiritual/psychic abilities will be dramatically enhanced.  The remaining 97% is pure possibility.  Immortality, telekinetic abilities, psionics, prophesy and remote viewing, spiritual communication, etc.  All one has to do confirm this is a little research.  If I provide the links to the research then the whole thing will look mysteriously biased.  It is better for you to find out on your own through various unconnected third party websites.  just look up "DNA Activation"-- with or without the quotations.