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Here are the rules: Yugioh trading card game official rules: Foreword: The yugioh trading card game is based on the japanese comic manga currently out in the United States. Object of the game: The object of the game is to win a match against your opponent. A single match consists of 3 duels. Each card battle against an opponent in which a win, lose or draw is determined. Win: The player who is the first to win 2 duels in a match and/or has 1 win and 2 draws. Draw: If the duel results are 1 win, 1 lose and a draw or 3 draws. Each player starts with 8000 life points. life points decreases as a result from a damage taken. If both players reach 0 life points at the same time, the duel is a draw. If either players run out of cards, the first player unable to draw a card lose. YOu instantly win the duel if any player hold the following cards: Right leg of the forbidden one, Left leg of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one and exodia the forbidden one. The deck used for dueling should contain a min of 40 cards. In addition to the dueling deck, you can also have 15 additional cards in separate file known as the side deck. When using a fusion card(s), place the card(s) face-down on the fusion deck zone. Each player draws 5 cards from the top of their deck. Once bothe players have 5 cards in their hand the duel begins. Remember to always declare each move in a loud, clear voice before you execute any play, your opponent is entitled to knw what's on your graveyard and the no. of cards in your hand, and never touch your opponent's cards without their permission. Phases of gameplay:
How to Play the Card Game
A. Draw phase: During this phase, you are reqiured to draw 1 card from your deck. B. Standby Phase: If there are any cards on the field that specifically state that certain actions must betaken during this phase. C. Main Phase1: During this phase you must set or play a monster, magic, and/or set traps. Keep in mind that you may not exceed the 5 cards limit for the monster or magic/trap card zone. During this phase, you may also change the attk or defense postion of your monsters already on the field but the position of each card can be change only once in a single turn. At the end of main phase 1, you can choose to enter the battle phase or end your turn. D. Battle Phase: Once attk preparations has been made in the main phase, you now enter the battle phase. If you do not wish to conduct a battle you proceed to the end phase. Battle phase takes place through this steps: 1. Start Phase, declaring the start of the battle phase, 2. Battle Step, select and announce the monster to attk with and declare the monster of your target, 3. Damage Step, calculate the damage point of the designated monsters, 4. End step, resolve all battles by repeating the battle and damage stpes as many as you like, then declare an end of your battle phase. You and your opponenet may both play a quick-play magic or trap cards during this phase. E. Main Phase2: when the battle phase is over, you then proceed to main phase2. Like main phase 1 you can set or play monster, magic, trap cards. Remember that you are allowed to change the position of each monster or perform a normal summon or set only once per turn. F. End Phase: Announce the end of your turn. if your hand contain more than 6 cards, discard them to the graveyard until only 6 cards remain in your hand. G. End of the duel: repeat phases A-F in alternating turns until a winner is declared. Phoenix2100
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