Listen to the poetry, the words fall off the page..., "I see through the eyes of you..."
Feel the essence of the writer...
"...To find a power or opposition to use as power and debate himself, so unconsciously in other men."
Get reacquainted with the joy of loving...,
"Words, so they walk and talk and see and hear...,
but what we have my love, with everything I feel.
Yvonne Hampden

For information:

Revised FIRST EDITION Dedication To the Human Race

The Reacquaintance of Love

Love Poems


YVONNE HAMPDEN has been writing poetry, and short stories, for more than 25 years. This is her first book of poetry. Some of you may recognize her "Wall to Wall" poems presented in the early 1980s.
She is a mother to one daughter and is happily married.

To my past, and to segments of my life that I have been reborn from. Now I have the ability to believe in reincarnation of the soul, or what is also called resocialization of the thoughts and ideas. That enables us to live in many and separate worlds, and to meet by chance, in one. To the sharing of the totality of one's self, and to not fear the loss of the other. For I know that you shall always be with me. And, there too, I shall remain.

Yvonne Hampden

I have been writing poetry for over twenty years. My first poetry recital was at the Harlem Library in May of 1983. Two other recitals in the Bronx New York Public Library in 1986. Then I resurged when I moved to Yonkers, New York, again, at the Yonkers Public Library where I participated in the poetry slams winning first place in 1999. Hudson Valley Writers Center, in Sleepy Hollow, New York has been a place I've gone to to recite and to find fellowship with up and rising poet's. Since then I've been engaged in work (nursing), raising my daughter, who is now twenty six years old, and working on my marriage, that I have to say has been a great success. So far, so good.

During the time I have been doing all that I have to do to keep going, I have always worked on my poetry manuscript to continue to give it the life it now has. The work I have done with the book is great. It has a life of it's own. I feel it's a good, well thought out, well informed piece of work that walks the reader to and from places within the heart that really matter. The reader may gain a sense of self worth that comes from the writers way of expressing the experiences of life, love, truth and the adversity of spirit. I think this is why, 'The Reacquaintance of Love,' is special, and will be a good read.

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I believe I have the capacity to reach out from a place that is sensitive and caring, but at the same time bold and profound.

The book was printed in April 2004, and this is the first edition of the book selling in stores and on the World Wide Web.  As well, Michael Rivera, my husband, has contributed several illustrations for the book done with technical pen.

Also, Hue-Man's book store in Harlem, New York has been selling the book of poetry.

The Reacquaintance of Love
Love Poems


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Copyright © 1997, Yvonne Hampden
All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or author