January 16th, 2002
      I had a half school day today. I feel free and relaxed.
      Maybe sometimes I am funny... Perhaps...Today in my English Class, we were talking about the novel "The Giver". When Mrs. Muller talked about the sameness in their world, she said, "Do you like it if there are two Mrs. Muller in our world?" I answered without thinking, "No, because both Mrs. Muller will argue with each other all the time." That was because Mrs. Muller is a good debater. The class was like laughed at this...
      After the bell rang, Mrs. Muller told me, "Chelsea, I really love your honest." I didn't know what to say but I was happy...

      I met a new friend yesterday at AIM. He is Tom's friend. His name is Joe. We are in the same boat cause we have only been here a few years. He is funny, just like Tom. I really enjoy chatting with them...
January 18th, 2002
      I am such a lazy girl...I woke up almost three o'clock in the afternoon today. That was because Tom and I called China yesterday. Thanks Tom...You are so nice! Anyway, we talked with Ting Ting and Connie, both of them are our friends. I miss them very much... And I miss my best friend, Yolanda. I wish I can go back to China in 2003, so that I can see all my friends again...
      I chatted with Joe again. He is so funny. He always makes me laugh.
      After I woke up, my parents asked to go to Canada with them. My step dad and I went to the mall, I bought some make up. And my mother went to the casino. Then we went back to the casino to pick her up. GOD! I stayed in the car for an hour! Because they were gambling!!
January 20th, 2002
      I heard what my Mother talked about me to my grandmother on the phone today. I was so sad because my mother told her I was lazy and didn't talk a lot. Well, sometimes I am afraid of going back to China. That is because the relatives on my mother's side have already misunderstood me now. All they think is I am not a good girl, which it is not true. I feel so sorry for myself. I don't like my Mother talks about me behind me...I don't like people talk about me.
      Joe called me today, so did Tom. It is very kind of them...I was going to send them a gift, but I changed my mind. Because I think my "gift" is kind of stupid. I don't think they will like it...I will buy them something later. My webcam is working very well now. It is pretty cool to chat and see a person...It makes the distance shorter. I really enjoy to talk with them and their kindness.
      Final exams are on Tuesday. I am afraid I will fail or I won't do very good. Because I chatted with my new friends all the time. Well, I am never pleased with myself. I hope god blesses me then~~~
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