March 1st, 2002
     How time flies!!! I haven't been on my web site for a long time... I feel bad! So, I am going to write my diary again now. I will write it if I have time.
      This February, I feel so sweet, because someone is very nice to me... I will remember the time we have spent together. I don't know why I still say no to him......... What a stupid girl...
      Terry called me today. He asked me something surprised. Well, I said no to him... .And then he stoped chatting with me....I felt sorry for him... I will give my best wishes to him and hopefully we can keep in touch.
      Love, family, friendship, study.....I have many stuffs in my mind now!
March 5th, 2002
     I am so mad right now...
     "It's none of your business..." My Mother said that to me.
      This afternoon, my Mother and sister went to the market and the left the baby at home. At six o'clock, someone called. It's Kevin, the baby's dad.... So I let him in and he saw the baby...
      Later Mother and sister came home, something sad happened... I didn't know that my sister and Kevin had an argument, which was the reason my sister and baby came over to our house. I didn't even know!
      Then I heard my Mother said to my sister after Kevin left, "Yea, that's not her fault and that's none of her business..."
      I do love the baby!!! How can my Mother say this words to hurt me! I don't talk much at home doesn't mean I don't care! What can I do so that she can trust ma, love me?
      God, please help me! (And my sister, and baby)
      It's a bad day.
      It's like a feeling of being in hell...
March 8th, 2002
     Snowcoming dance night is this Saturday. I can't go is because I have to go to work. It is kinda sad cuz it holds only once a year. But I am not a dance person, and I don't have a dress. There are so many things I need to prepare this March and April.
      I changed the diaper for Shaina today. It is my FIRST time to do this. But I think I do really well. Also, I washed her clothes. She's such a cute baby!!
      I am going to update soon... I really want to update it. This afternoon, I downloaded Photoshop 6.0 and learned something about it online. Hehe, later on I will have nicer pictures on my homepage~~!
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