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Is Ron a Seer?

DISCLAIMER: Please do not write any angry emails protesting theories. Send in your counterpoint with proof and I'll post it on the site.

Warning! Spoilers Ahead!

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I know this sounds farfetched, but it has very credible proof.

Linsey's Evidence

This is quite a weird theory that I've been reading about, but there's evidence in the text to support it, so there's always the possibility that it could be true. The theory is that Ron Weasley is a Seer.

  • Book 1 - Ron warns Harry away from going back to the Mirror of Erised, saying he has a funny feeling about it. The confrontation between Harry, Voldemort and Quirrel happens right in front of it.
  • Book 2 - He makes an offhand remark about Tom Riddle being the one who murdered Myrtle. This turns out to be true. He tries to warn Harry away from the diary, first telling him that it's dangerous, then saying it is useless and he should get rid of it. He guesses that Lockhart is a fake.
  • Book 3 - Ron gets a new Willow wand. Willow is often used in Divination. He KNOWS there is something different about Crookshanks. Isn't he part kneazle or something?
  • Book 4 -He mkes a remark along the lines of "I know Dumbledore's brilliant and everything, but that doesn't mean a really clever Dark Wizard couldn't fool him." Barty Crouch Jr. fools Dumbledore into thinking he is Mad Eye Moody He makes a joke about Barty Crouch 'snuffing it' which he does, he's murdered by his own son. He says something about Mad Eye Moody keeping an eye on Snape as well as Karkaroff, which is true. Barty Crouch Jr is keeping an eye on the two former Death Eaters. Ron is always making offhand remarks that turn out to be true, and I don't believe in coincidence. Not in HP world at least. Ron's birthday is March 1st, making him a Pieces. Pieces is the most psychic sign in the zodiac.
Need more proof?

Click here to go to the Wizarding World's list of Ron's jokes which happen to come true...

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