Homer J. Simpson Page
This single page is dedicated to the man who ate, I mean shook the world. Who else has been in outer space, been a monorail conductor, saved a county from nuclear meltdown and sang in a barber shop quartet. Not many people. That is why the man deserves another scrappy, overrated website to give the Simpson name a lousy reputation.
Wherever you look nowadays his face pops up,
...on lousy merchandise and TV guides (which you should never throw away!). Although not the brightest of chaps, he has some incredibly ensightful sayings, which are available in wave format here. Don't leave home in the morning without taking time out to reflect upon these words.
Homer has a distinct weak spot for food. Amongst his favourites are krusty burgers, fries, hot-dogs, steak, chips, asian food, seafood, Kentucky Fried Chicken, steak, chocolate, donuts, beer, candy, marshmallows, corndogs, jerky, steak, and much more.
I cannot give you his address due to legal reasons, but he works at the Springfield Nuclear Plant. Whatever yu do don't surprise him, he scares easily.
Now, we all are a bit mad sometimes, but no-one is so mad as Homer J., but don't let this put you off him, for he always calms down and becomes very rational afterwards.
Being only human, he shows a range of emotions like us all, but is most prone to...
and shyness....
Check out the other pages on my site.