I became interested in long distance reception at Band 2 in the early 1980's, and over the years from time to time the subject of TA FM would come to mind. Some thought it impossible, one person actually claimed to have achieved it, but generally such a reception was seen as being the Holy Grail of European FM DXer's. Was it actually possible? and what would it be like to receive stereo signals from across the pond.
All was about to change.

The Sporadic E season of 2003 started well and was offering up all the usual reception possibilities, plus there had been a few instances of multi hop Sp E spanning the Atlantic ( Band 1 TV) but what was to follow took everyone involved in the hobby by surprise. Speaking personally I still can't quite believe it, but June 26th was going to change a few minds, and the direction a lot of people had their antennas turned! One very welcome product of the reception both sides of the Atlantic was a lot of people sitting up and saying- this is POSSIBLE!

After June 26th the reception details were widely covered in radio bulletins and journals- both QST and Practical Wireless reported it. And a lot of Radio Amateurs started thinking that TA at 2 metres could be done. It may even have been possible during this particular opening- but no one was in the right place at the right time.

June 26th 2003 - Transatlantic FM reception finally achieved.
How it unfolded.

The first signs of something happening were the plots on the 6 metre contact loggers online which showed a
wide open path across the Atlantic around 17:30utc. A number of TV carriers  and some audio started rolling in and then around 18:10 there were brief blasts of North American speech on 88.5 mhz interspersed with the huge European opening which was in full swing. I just didn't believe my ears.

A station came up with a reference to New York and then talk about comedy (I thought it may have been AFN Europe) Then there was a French language station on 88.5 for ages - maybe 20 minutes and very strong which was giving hints at its source being outside Europe but I didn't want to get too excited - and then while on the phone to David Hamilton in Scotland the YL DJ said "Radio Canada" and I couldn't believe my ears. Something in my head was saying- calm down and don't jump to conclusions!- but it was clear what was happening. I didn't dare to check other Frequencies lest I should miss a full station id.

Next was light music on 88.5 coming up to 1900 followed by a full ID on the hour from WHCF Bangor, Maine. And that was it --no more doubts. I was literally in a state of shock. The distance from my QTH to Bangor Maine is 2756 miles. Over the next two hours a number of other stations were logged but a lot of the open channels sounded like soup.

So what was it like? Well, I waited 20 years for this opening. Lets just say it was a lot of fun- after the initial disbelief.

Here's what made it through:

88.5 1815 CAN CBAF Moncton NB.  YL with "Radio Canada" id talk about Brazilian music in FF

88.5 1815 CAN CBVG Gaspe QC.  CBC English, comedy show, mixing with CBAF. Gaspe just North from NB.  Later very good at 1959 (Montreal?)

88.5 1900 USA WHCF Bangor ME.  ID on top of hour and news. Fair to good at times. Later strong     gospel music.

88.7 1910   N. American Station.  Country, with Mark Knopfler country song not RTE or Radio2.     Strong but brief.

92.9 1930 CAN CKLE Bathurst NB.  Ads, frequent id's very very strong. Still there at 2000 and after

92.9 2020 CAN CBTR Roddickton NFLD. CBC fisheries prog - brief burst of signal giving number in "St.    Johns area".

95.9 1952   Two North American Stations here One Contemporary Rock other Country fighting it out.

97.1 2005 CAN CBTB Baie Vert, NFLD.  Fisheries programme, received on 97.05 due to local QRM. David    Hamilton, Ayrshire Scotland also received this.

97.5 2015 USA     WFRY Watertown NY, Froggy ID and reference to Reeba McIntyre. Confirmed later in email from Station Engineer Michael Ring after hearing a recording.

Standing world record for Sporadic E reception on Band 2 at 3049 Miles.

97.5     2015  USA      WOKQ Dover NH, Promo for Funny Families and mention of the Hamptons. ( Confirmed later in email from Station Engineer Chuck Bullett after hearing recording.
99.3 2015 CAN CBV6 la Malbaie QC ?  Three Quebec stations listed but this one close to Northern NB which seemed centre of opening. In FF audible on 99.35 battling with local Lyric FM.