Publications of Jiang Yongjin

1.  Social behavior of Ochotona cansus: adaptation to alpine environment
     (in Eng with Chn summ). Acta Theriol Sinica 11(1):23-40, 1991.
2.  Behavioral thermoregulation in the root vole(in Chn with Eng summ). in:
     (Liu Jike and Wang Zuwang eds.) Alpine Meadow Ecosystem(fasc 3)
     pp167-173, Science Press, 1991.
3. Productivity investigation of the root vole population in Haibei alpine
    bushland I. population dynamics (in Chn with Eng summ). Acta Theriol
    Sinica 11(4): 270-278, 1991.
4. Productivity investigation of the root vole population in Haibei alpine
    bushland II. population production (in Chn with Eng summ). Acta Theriol
    Sinica 12(1): 39-48, 1992.
5. Productivity investigation of the root vole population in Haibei alpine
    bushland III. population energetics (in Chn with Eng summ). Acta Theriol
    Sinica 13(1): 38-49, 1993.
6. The logic of pigs. Nature(China) 1994(4): 36-37.
7. A query on the essense of life. Chinese Journal of Biology 1994(5): 19.
8. Is it the wolf's instinct for a dog rescuing its master? China Youth
    Daily June 3(3), 1994.
9. Wolf: a paragon of cruelty and submission. China Youth Daily September
    2 (3), 1994.
10. The origin of "stupid donkey". China Youth Daily September 2(3),1994.
11. The implication of habit. China Youth Daily November 26(6),1994.
12. Regulation of vole populations: invalidity of the food, nutritional, and
      multi-factorial hypotheses. Chinese Journal of Ecology 13(6):68-70,1994.
13. The controversy over the peacock's tail. Nature(China) 1995(1): 13.
14. The enlightenment of the gorilla. Metropolitan 1995(10): 30-31.
15. Why fertile soil nurishes outstanding personage. Nature and Man 1996(2):
16. Behavioral ecology of rodents. In (Wang Zuwang Zhang Zhibin eds.)
      Practices and theories of rodent control. Science Press, 1996.
17. Regional differences of human body aesthetics. Nature and Man 1997(5):
18. The origin of human body aesthetics. Nature and Man 1998(3): 23.
19.   The Ugly Peacock:  sociobiology of human beauty (ca. 200,000 words,
       accepted for publication).
20.  The Helpless Wolf:  sociobiology of human religion(not finished).

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