Personal links: (In Alphabetical order)


Bianca's Anime Page: Lot's of cool stuff, including stories and what not.

Catherine Page: Don't ask me what it's about... 'Cause I just don't know.

Jamie's All about Jimmy Page: It has a bit of Celtic stuff, Movies and Fartknockers!

Lisa's Fanfic and Inu Yasha site: If you're a fan of Inu Yasha, or want to know more, visit this site.

Moira Nelson's Homepage: A talented Musician, Moira plays Harp, Piano, guitar and sings too.

Roger's Sailing and Auto racing page: If you like to Sail, or watch F1 racing this is a great page.


Other links of intrest:


Akari's fanfic grading page: Have a fanfic you want graded.

Anime Turnpike: Links links and more anime related links

Elizabeth's Page: Hell if I know what is going on there?!

Mr.T vs Everything: You name it and he fights it... kinda like the evil that is the Backstreet Boys...

Yahoo search engine: Hey everyone needs a search engine...


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