Tropicana - Sg Buluh
09th April 2000

Missing out on 2 weekend rides is bad enough and Louise is making sure that I do not miss out on a third which might just spell the beginning of the end of my mountain biking story! So at 06:30am, true to his words, Louise was at my gate waking up the whole neighborhood! For once, I wished he did not showed up, as I was quite reluctant to go riding on such a nice Sunday morning!

My current job had been very stressful and I seem to be losing myself, my character! There is so much to do, plan and over see. The workload is just too much for me to even think about other things! It has been nothing but work, work, and work from morning to night and also into the early hours of the morning!

It is a relief that I finally get the chance to let go off everything and to ride freely in the jungle again. This is the time when I do not need to worry about dealers, displays, sales, meetings, etc. I can let go off my stress, shout and scream and yet not have to worry about misbehaving! This is real freedom from work!

There were nine (9) of us today. Well, at least we started off with nine riders - a couple disappeared from us when they proved too slow to keep up with even our very own 'Coca-Cola'! It is a good thing too as we do not need to be worrying over the slow riders or people getting lost! The moment they informed us that they know the trail, we were gone with the wind! Amazingly, 'Coca-cola' also started off very well and managed to keep quite close to our pace. I think we will in future try to maintain the number of riders to below 15 as this has proven to us many times to be the best group size and mixture. At least everyone can be cycling at almost the same speed and there will not be too much delay in waiting for one another!A Nice Small Group

The trail - Tropicana to Sg Buluh, a trail that can be a long ride or a short ride, depending on what we want. Many other riders were already in here as we pass them along the way. And there was even this young chap whom we suspect must be doing his cycling training as he seemed to be cycling pass us many times round!

Some of the trail in here can be quite technical as we have to go through very narrow path and along the edge of the hill slope. There was this small narrow river, filled with stinking blackish water and muddy soil. We had to cycle through this river and everyone except two (2) failed to cycle across. Our Iron-Lady #2They had a taste of how stinking and dirty this river can be!

The mosquitoes must have had a very good feast today as they came in hundreds each time we stop. This is also the main reason why we were so glad that there were no 'real' slow riders with us today. Otherwise, we would have had no choice but to not wait for them and end up been feast for the hungry mosquitoes! Even Adele's bum was not spared. The mosquitoes actually sting through her cycling shorts! Surprisingly, though I do not have much 'meat' on my rear, I was not spared either! They must be really out for blood!

On the whole, the trail in this jungle is generally easy going with some uphill ride and plenty of down hills. It is a good training ground if not for the lousy and itchy mosquitoes.

Will there be another time riding in here? Believe me, this place, this trail is definitely going down into my little book of blacklisted trails!

MTB 2000 Journal Bicycling Malaysia.Com

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