A stroll in the woods!

Babu - the main casualty after 9km!This must be one of the most difficult article that I have written for all my mountain biking experiences so far. Not that I did not ride the total of 17km stretch, I did, but for only a mere 9km! The other 8km was done walking with not just my mountain bike but with two (2) MTBs! I must also thank Jeff for the support given and shown for which the three of us ‘strolled’ out of the estate!

The morning started off with our usual early morning gathering at our favourite dim-sum store. Finally we are back again after the long Kong Hee Fatt Choy (Chinese New Year) holidays. So much food, so much to drink and so much sleep! So much of everything that now we have so much of laziness in our body! Our legs are stiff like and our muscles? Well, probably just need some warming up to bring back the 'fire' and life in them!

To start of the month's ride, Grant is our leader for the day and the trail (his trail): Bukit Cahaya. This time round, rather than starting from our usual take off point; we drove to the little Indian stall, in the estate. By doing so, it helped shortened our cycling distance by 15km. Driving all the way into this estate makes us realize just how far we would have to cycle up all those hills otherwise.At the start ...

It was a mixed reaction as everyone started getting ready for the ride. I could see some riders with raw faces, just rearing to burn off those lethargic muscles. Others have gloomy faces which speaks of contentment - of not riding for a week and probably asking themselves why they had to get up so early on a sunday morning to ride? Too much laziness have already stored up in their system. Having rained quite heavily yesterday, no chance was taken as I put on my long lycra pants. No point trying to sit in a car at the end of the day with a pants stuck with mud! Only thing I missed was to have informed my passenger, Michael, to have a change of clothing - after the ride!

The ride started off with a straight road ride of about 2km, leading us into this nice undeveloped housing estate (Sungei Buluh Country Home). Then came the off-road trail with plenty of steep hill climbs almost immediately! Slippery and sticky mud! There was lots of water and mud pools from yesterday's heavy downpour. Having caught in one of the deep muddy pool before, Adele was not easily conned into getting caught again this time round. At 3km, there were already cries for 7-eleven convenient store and the teh tarik mamak from Razif! Strange that he did not yell for a McDonald ice coke instead?

At the top of the first hill, everyone was already sweating profusely. Grant's torturous trail is yet to come and everyone was ready for it. And to get to his fearsome hill, we have to do the steep downhill ride - a very long and slippery stretch. And it had to happen - our first crash a major one! Only 9km and Babu became the first victim for the day! His unfortunate crash brought an end to his ride for today. Not wanting to spoil the ride, I got everyone to continue while I escorted him out of this estate. Another nice rider, Jeff volunteered to come along to help. Together, the three of us walked out of this estate, with our mountain bikes! Upon reaching our cars, Jeff did an amazing thing - he cycled hurriedly back into the estate to join the rest of the riders! Talk of energy, this guy must have loads of it and untapped!

Red Riding Hood & FriendLater, at the hospital, the doctor confirmed Babu's case: He suffered a posterior partial dislocation of a 3rd degree of his left shoulder! A very sad thing to happen as this could mean his mountain biking riding days are over! What would have been another beautiful Sunday ride ended abruptly and in such sad manner. Some freak accident this is - causing such injury to his shoulder despite a simple fall off his bike. Or is it just one of those unexplainable incidents? Maybe we can put the blame on thirteen (13 as the unlucky number since today is the 13th of February?

A great word of thanks must also go to Louise for having 'behaved' so extremely well today! He painstakingly carried out his duties as today's rear sweeper and actually nannied for our two (2) feminine riders - Coca-Cola and Red Riding Hood. But strangely, he did not realized that Coca-Cola had a minor cut in one of her eye's cornea! But then again, despite wearing a pair of eye glasses, how in the world did she managed to get cut in the eye?

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