TV Crews or none, We ain't no suckers!

23rd July 2000

Craig - who said my bike is heavy?Funny how we cyclists always look forward to Sundays, when we get to go out and scream our heads off on our precious mountain bikes! In the eyes of other not so enthusiastic cyclists as well as non-cyclists, it all seemed like we live only for Sundays. Apart from other more important things like the day we all get our 'gaji', get married, or whatever else, every die-hard cyclist will only look forward to the day we can all get together to cycle and have fun together - most of all, as one big happy family!

Cameras, Light, Riding (Action)! What would a TV crew be doing here with us in our weekly mountain biking activities? The whole issue was like one big fly by night thing! First, there were no full details of what the TV production house people really wanted from us. In fact, A long ride up!it was not until during our morning dim sum that I was finally informed of the whole thing, officially! And just when we thought that we had reached an agreement whereby the production people will just follow us doing their shooting, their final demand became obvious! Nicely put as a request for our co-operation, plus as a means to promote the mountain biking sports, they expected us to be doing repetitive rides for them so that they can get a perfect shoot! I was not alone - everyone in the group objected to it! And the sad thing was the leader of the production-house tried to buy our sentiment occasionally by quoting that this production is to help develop the mountain biking sports amongst ladies! What cheek she has to even think she can talk her way into our mountain biking hearts with that!

Jesse - downhill charge!It is really very sad to know that the production house was all along trying to make use of us for their benefit! They thought they could get away with a free ride from CycleFlex! If only they had taken the trouble and be more direct with us. They could have told us straight out a few days earlier instead of trying to make a sucker out of us at the very last minute! We could have easily arranged a nice group just for them if only they had provided us with the full details earlier! None of us were willing to accept the fact that we would have to co-ordinate with the production crew since we are only here to enjoy our ride. After all, we were not paid to ride for her TV production crew, least to co-ordinate for her cameraman. The next time another production house were to come along, they should first discuss - From the rear - Jesseat least with the right people concerned! And we hope there will not be another next time for such a lousy incident!

Being soft at heart, since we are nice people, we decided to lead them to the Sungai Buluh race trail where they could do their filming. From here, I even helped them to pump up their tire pressure. Than on, they were on their own after that. Glamour or no glamour, we were soon off on our own. None of us were interested in being 'cheap' TV stars even though the thought of it was very tempting!

A slow ride to help warm up as we merrily rode along this brown and dusty trail, passing rows and rows of rubber trees both left and right of us. It was all just too casual until we finally made a right turn reaching the uphill ride onto the top! The first in the front was our Dear 'Coke' - still so much to learn ...!two 'kwai-loh', Kingsley and Craig. We could already see the dust flying up as the both of them speed off into the distance hill. This is a gradual hill slope that was easily tackled even by both 'Coke' and Matthew. Incidently, this is Matthew's third ride with us and he is already showing so much improvement in his stamina and riding technique! Maybe he is having secret training from his son Kevin? Or was it his heart that is really young inside?

Surprisingly there was none of those pesky and stinging little mosquitoes around today! I had even equipped myself with a can of Baygon … in case! Talking of which, the way Jesse used my Baygon just before the ride started. She actually sprayed it all over her clothing like as if it was a deodorant! Spraying it liberally on her top jersey, lifting her armpits only to spray it underneath! Hee, hee ... Look-see ... my new watch!It was a good comical scene if only the TV crew had seen it! But yet, I think she was still the only one to get stung by a mosquitoe! Now what was it that attracted these 'beloved' blood sucking creature to her?

By the time we had completed the first loop of the trail, we were back at our starting point. And what a laugh we all had, the production people were still at it! They were still filming away barely 200 meters away from the car park! And from where they were doing their filming, it is a whole lot of misleading the audience, the ones which they hope to capture! The trail is not even suited for a proper mountain biking sequence!

What a shocking response when lead by Coke, another loop so say everyone! Without any hesitation, all of us were off once again. This second time round saw a marked improvement on everyone's riding skill. Pauline re-entry ... with 'Man-in-Black' in the front leading.Coke was seen charging down all the steep down hills and even cycled across the river without any hesitation! The ride seemed so much easier for everyone. Everyone was so fast and even good ole' Matthew disappeared from the group - he went the straight down the road, the wrong direction (trail)!

Finally we were soon back to the car park again with some of the ladies once again asking; "One more loop!" Thankfully none of us complied as the majority decided on having a nice cold drink instead!

So much for today's eventful happenings. Next week, it looks like we will be doing another off road ride as good ole' Boon Foo just called me up to say the planned combined ride with his group have to be called off. So how about doing another rounda-voo at Bukit Ceraka? This time we try to chart a new trail?

MTB 2000 Journal Bicycling Malaysia.Com

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This page setup on 24th July 2000