Here's the Mig deal:
To get deeper penetration you do this (in order of usefulness):
Increase wirespeed, decrease stickout, drag the torch, switch to
straight CO2, use skinnier wire.
To get shallower penetration you do this (in order of usefulness):
Reduce wirespeed, increase stickout, push the torch, switch to argon/CO2 mix, use thicker wire.
To get a larger bead you do this (in order of usefulness):
Increase wirespeed, decrease travel speed, increase stickout
To get a smaller bead you do this (in order of usefulness):
Decrease wirespeed, increase travel speed, decrease stickout
To get a higher, narrower (colder) bead you do this (in order of usefulness):
Decrease voltage, drag torch, increase stickout
To get a flatter, wider (hotter) bead you do this (in order of usefulness):
Increase voltage, push torch, decrease stickout
To get a faster deposition rate you do this (in order of usefulness):
Increase wirespeed, increase stickout, use smaller wire.
To get a slower deposition rate you do this (in order of usefulness):
Decrease wirespeed, decrease stickout, use larger wire.
Note that when you change the stickout you change the current, so you
might need to adjust the wirespeed to compensate. Same with changing
wire size, obviously.
Most castings are sand castings and tend to be slightly porous with small
particles of the casting sand embedded just under the surface.
Die castings are much easier since there is no contamination of the metal.
The exact alloy of aluminum makes a big difference for welding.
The filler rods recommended by Alcotec for castings are:
Base metal Filler rod
A356 A356 , 4008 , 4010
A380 4145
A319 4145
Alcotec is the largest manufacturer of Aluminum welding filler materials.
Their catalog is a priceless source of aluminum welding alloy data.
Ask your local welding supplier to get you a copy or contact them directly.
Washing the weld is a common practice for architectural or decorative stuff, but
for critical parts it is not recommended.
A gas Lens collet body will allow you to extend the tungsten further from the
gas cup, allowing access to corners better.
Zirconium tungstens allow greater current with smaller tungstens for AC TIG.
The best bet for cleaning the welds is either bead blasting or a stainless steel
wire brush on a die grinder.
5356 is not a recommended rod for engine castings.
5356 is susceptable to corrosion cracking if exposed to temperatures above
150degF for prolonged periods.
Most of the 5000 series fillers have this problem.
A356, 4008 and 4010 are all the same basic alloy , just in slightly different
states of purity.
A356 is a Aluminum-Silicon-Magnesium alloy used for high temperature castings
like manifolds and engine blocks.
A380, A319 and 4145 are Aluminum-Copper alloys used for strength.
Never mix Aluminum-Copper alloys with Aluminum-Magnesium alloys.
The 2 react to heat differently and cracks can form.
Auto Weld Help - Old Cars, Scoots, and Things
Good Words From Good Man On Aluminum
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