Here it is! Your own personal space on the web to tell other TWBers how to get or keep in touch! Fill out an entry if you haven't already! Enjoy!

Thomas McCoy - 12/23/00 18:26:33
TWB Participant?: yes!! OH YEAHHH
Trip You Went On: 1995
Address Changes: 10 Alexander Dr. Apt 812 Asheville, NC 28801
Message For Past Participants: Hey everyone!! All you '95ers drop me a line! Hope you have a great X-mas! -Thomas
Message for Future Participants: Have a great time and live it up!


Sam Blair - 12/17/00 05:29:43
TWB Participant?: Yes!
Trip You Went On: Summer '94
Address Changes: 1105 Kinard Court Columbia, SC
Message For Past Participants: Are there any kids from 94 left out there? Please drop me a line, I would love to hear from you.
Message for Future Participants: Don't miss this opportunity!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: what?


MEgan McConnEll - 12/15/00 16:17:54
TWB Participant?: OHHH Yeuhhhh, TWb YK For LIfe!!!


Wesley Campbell - 12/13/00 00:58:29
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: TWB 99
Message for Future Participants: TWB is one of the best memories I from my past and I can't wait to do it again.


- 12/08/00 00:19:17
TWB Participant?: oh yeah
Trip You Went On: TWB2K
Address Changes: aol screen name- Bowens2002
Message For Past Participants: Yall are the greatest friends one could ever have. Stay in touch!!!
Message for Future Participants: Words can not descride the great experience of this trip

I have never experienced anything in my life as awsome as this trip was. Its the BEST!!

Ryan Elizabeth Mckenney - 12/02/00 12:51:09
TWB Participant?: and how!
Trip You Went On: 1997
Address Changes: 169 #2 Keys ct. The Trellis Apts. Greenville, NC 27858
Message For Past Participants: I hate that i have not kept in touch with anyone. I hope everyone is doing well...take care!
Message for Future Participants: Go on the's fabulous :)
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Bonjourno Dennis! are you still having to beat the ladies off with a stick? :)


Katie Parker - 11/19/00 04:04:30
TWB Participant?: yup:)
Trip You Went On: 2000
Message For Past Participants: thanx again and again
Message for Future Participants: If you really want to find out what type of person you really are, this trip is for you. It makes you feel, think and react and ways which you would have never have thought of before(this might i add is a good thing !:-)
Love Letters, etc, for me!: howdy:)

all i have to say is twb is like off the chain...O YEAH!!! and many more new expressions i learned that summer, and i might add, i still dont clearly know the meaning of, if there really is one!:) but is all good. peace love, take care always ~katiep~ p.s live your days like they are your last!!

Jenny Conners - 11/12/00 05:31:24
TWB Participant?: Yuppers
Trip You Went On: 2000
Address Changes: look at my email addy...
Message For Past Participants: I miss my twb 2000 peeps... i hope everyone is doing well... i am still here... alive and well... who would have known? We've got to get together sometime... seriously!


Jennifer Anne Rice - 11/03/00 02:10:27
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 99 1st trip
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: i miss yall! We havent kept in touch like I thought we would!
Message for Future Participants: Its the greatest experience-you gotta go on TWB!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I love you Dennis!

TWB was awesome. I met the greatest people and made the best memories (especially the skinny dipping incident)!! Dont forget about me & email if you want!

Allison Thomas - 10/30/00 03:06:25
TWB Participant?: of course!
Trip You Went On: TWB Y2K (only tha best trip in tha history of TWB)
Address Changes: nah...
Message For Past Participants: I love all yall and really miss yall!! We have got to get together again sometime soon... i really miss you guys!
Message for Future Participants: Yall will really like it, although there will be some tough times.... you'll get through them and gain soo many new friends from this trip :)

TWB was one of the greatest experiences of my life!! If i could do it again, i definitely would... i wouldn't mind going back as a counselor one day... cause i would love to make TWB as great of an experience for someone else as it was for me..... :)

Brandi Laney - 09/11/00 22:36:54
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: summer of 96-trip 2
Address Changes: wilmington,nc
Message For Past Participants: i miss you guys!
Message for Future Participants: This is what life is all about!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Hey Christina! Remember me?


Michael Coleman - 09/11/00 22:18:56
TWB Participant?: yea
Trip You Went On: 1 98
Address Changes: nope, just at school
Message For Past Participants: How is everyone, how many of you will actualy see this? And how many will know which Michael this is right off?
Message for Future Participants: Think good


jessica frye - 09/11/00 01:33:50
TWB Participant?: participant/counselor
Trip You Went On: 94 & 99
Address Changes: 5856 old oak ridge rd. Greensboro, nc 27410
Message For Past Participants: miss y'all
Message for Future Participants: don't miss this opportunity


Meghan Fuller - 09/10/00 19:56:59
TWB Participant?: oh, yeah!
Trip You Went On: twb/y2k--(the best one)
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: i don't know all the past participants, other than the ones from my trip, but somehow i still feel connected to you. i want to thank those who reccommended me for twb. i can't repay you enough for giving me this won erful opportunity.
Message for Future Participants: if you have the chance to go, don't think twice about it. just go. you won't regret a second of it, and it will be with you the rest of your life.

if i had the chance to go on this trip again, i would, without a doubt. hopefully i will be going back as a counselor-- hint, hint dennis. i never thought that twb would have had such an impact on me, but i can't even begin to explain what it has done. when someone asks me how it was, all i can say is, "it was AWESOME." twb/y2ker's know it was "off the tarp." through the dust storm, thunderstorm, mornings of waking up soaking wet and cold, geez the list goes on, we stuck it out. and each time, we gre closer. i can honestly say that i've walked away from twb with some of the best friends i have ever had. i love each and everyone of you from my trip, and wish i could see you guys more. thanks again dennis, you da man!

Josh Martin - 09/06/00 01:55:54
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: Trip 1, 1997
Address Changes: PO Box 159, 2463 Bragg St. Columbia SC 29209
Message For Past Participants: WAZZUP!!
Message for Future Participants: go go go
Love Letters, etc, for me!: HEY BABY!

Email me if ya know me....I get lonely around

Neely Palmer - 09/05/00 00:35:49
TWB Participant?: oh yeah
Trip You Went On: 1st trip '97
Address Changes: my email, and i am now at Columbia College in Columbia,SC
Message For Past Participants: I have run into a few of you over the years, and I really want to get back in touch with all of the people on my trip, and I would love to talk to any past participants. I would enjoy talking to everyone that has gone out west.
Message for Future Participants: TWB will change your life, I know it did mine. If you have the chance to go, don't think twice about it, pack your bags and get on the bus!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I hope to see you soon Dennis!! My brother wants to go out west, and so I hope to see you at the slide show in Union.

This trip really did change my life. I made great friends that will last a lifetime, and I got the best college roommate anyone could ask for. My love to you all!! "Many things in life will catch your eyes, few will catch your heart...Pursue those."

Lawton Swann - 08/07/00 13:55:14
TWB Participant?: Yes
Trip You Went On: 1994 and TWB2K
Message For Past Participants: What a trip...TWB is still going on strong. I am so thankful for all the oppurtunities this trip has given me. I miss all my TWB '94 and '00 people. See you all soon
Message for Future Participants: You need to go, and hey maybe you will get to meet me :) j/k

Hope that everyone is doing good. Stay in touch.

Brooke Sherrill - 08/03/00 00:29:41
TWB Participant?: YES!!
Trip You Went On: TWB Y2K
Address Changes: none
Message For Past Participants: I love all of you and miss ya'll so much! I am so glad I got to meet all of ya'll. Call me!
Message for Future Participants: Go you will love every min. of it from the rain to the sun raise.

I love each and every one of ya'll to death. We need to stay in touch as best we can. E-mail me and my sister for info. about the beach trip planed next summer 2001! Love you to pieces=:) TWB Y2K was the best!

Jenny Conners - 07/30/00 22:33:34
TWB Participant?: HECK YEAH!
Trip You Went On: SuMmEr 2o0o
Address Changes: um... none
Message For Past Participants: Y'all, I had the best time of my life, and I was so glad to share it with all of you. Thanks for all of the great memories!! TWB Y2K rocked!!
Message for Future Participants: Keep an open mind... want to learn about everyone and everything, and always TRY to give 110% of yourself. If you do this, you will have no regrets!! Remember to live for TODAY!!

I wish I could go back to June 10th, which was the first day of the trip, and relive every moment. Even though there were some rough times, I still wouldn't change a thing. I learned so much about myself, nothing could compare to those 23 days.

Summer Boyd - 07/17/00 18:16:47
TWB Participant?: YES!
Trip You Went On: 1998 1st
Message For Past Participants: Email me!!!
Message for Future Participants: TWB is the greatest experience of my life! Make every effort to go!


Will Brewer - 07/13/00 21:16:01
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: summer of 2000
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: no
Message for Future Participants: bring plenty of film and money
Love Letters, etc, for me!: no

Have a great time, where ever yall are. If any of yall want to meet some where, call me or email me. I love yall summer of 2000 TWB. For future participants its the greatest time of your life. Take advantage of every day. Bring a journal it will help you remember certain things later in life. See yall later. P.S. This trip is off the G-rag.

Nichole Buchanan - 07/10/00 17:08:31
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: TWB 2000
Message For Past Participants: It was so awesome and i'm sure all of youfeel the same way that if you could do it again you would!
Message for Future Participants: Just enjoy every minute and do not have any regrets!!!


mark banks - 07/06/00 03:12:14


Anna Edwards - 07/03/00 23:55:16
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: TWB y2k
Message For Past Participants: TWB Y2K was off the back tire!!! I love you guys and I will never forget all of our times together. You have each helped me grow as a person. Thank you. LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Message for Future Participants: Don't hold anything back because you'll never get the chance to do it again.

TWB Y2K was off the friggen map. I fell in love with all 107 people that went and each of them are my family. Each time we had something happen we'd pull even closer together. I couldn't ask for anything better. I would give anything to be sitting in the rass of the church or sleeping in the rain with you guys forever and again. :) love you and thanks for riding Cross Country Tours with Teens Westward Bound Y2K!!!!

COFFER - 07/03/00 03:14:50
TWB Participant?: yea
Trip You Went On: 1st '98
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: I MISS U ALL.
Message for Future Participants: GO! IT IS THE BEST THING U WILL EVER DO.


Tiffany Earl - 07/03/00 02:03:31
TWB Participant?: oh yeah!!
Trip You Went On: TWB Y2K
Address Changes: none
Message For Past Participants: this is something I will never forget. Thanks you guys for making the way for us!
Message for Future Participants: This is the best trip of your life, so enjoy it

I gotta keep in touch with you guys from my trip. Call me, we'll do lunch!

Matt Fuller - 06/14/00 02:11:42
TWB Participant?: Ya Dang Right I was!!!!!
Trip You Went On: '98 The Best Year of TWB, and 1st and GREATEST Trip
Address Changes: None
Message For Past Participants: To the People that went on TWB '98 1st trip; I miss talkin' to some of y'all. Y'all email me, It's one of the best things u can get up at college. To the people that have been on TWB that I dont know; I bet y'all had s good as time as I did. Y'all know this trip was AWESOME!!!!
Message for Future Participants: If U Have the Chance to Go, U BEST GO!!!! U Will Have One of the Greatest Times of your Life

Dennis, this was an Awesome trip, every summer when it is time for the next TWB group to go off I want to join them. I just want to tell ya, that I want to be a couselor, so I can experience this trip agian. U r a good man to do this summer after summer. hope that u keep it goin' for as long as u can. It is well worth it, especially to have touch some of the kids that go on the trip w/something that they couldnt have done with out u. THANKS AGAIN DENNIS. To all the '98 1st trip; y'all were a good group to go with. I just wish I could've stayed in touch with some of y'all more then we have. Get my email address and email me. I would appreciate it. To P.D. and the Union bunch; it was fun doin' our weekend trips to each others town after the trip. TWB 1998 FIRST TRIP WILL BE KNOW AS ONE OF THE BEST TRIPS IN TWB HISTORY. LATER PEOPLE.

Katie Kennington - 06/11/00 04:00:12
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: '99 trip 1

hey everyone! i hope everyone is doing good! have a great summer

Graham Parker - 06/11/00 02:57:08
TWB Participant?: yup
Trip You Went On: 1st `97
Address Changes: 8521 X-Way Rd, Gibson,28343
Message For Past Participants: hey yall
Message for Future Participants: it's the bomb!!

anyone and everyone from my trip.....get up with me!!

Josh Martin - 04/22/00 21:09:08
TWB Participant?: but of course
Trip You Went On: Trip 1, 1997
Address Changes: dont even ask...move around too much now
Message For Past Participants: PINECONE!!
Message for Future Participants: have fun...

Well, its been a while....been doin alot of junk here lately....joined the a really easy job though....I'm in the band...LOL Thought I would drop a line. If anyone wants to email me GO AHEAD! For everybody's triumphant return to outh Carolina will be May 16th 2000.

SHANNON LAWSON - 04/16/00 23:38:34
TWB Participant?: RIGHT-O
Trip You Went On: SUMMER 97
Message For Past Participants: I MISS YOU GUYS!!
Message for Future Participants: YOU'LL HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: YEA, YOU KNOW I LOVE YA!


Susan Upton - 04/10/00 21:33:37
TWB Participant?: yep
Trip You Went On: Trip 2 '98
Address Changes: Chapel Hill
Message For Past Participants: I'll never forget my trip. I only wish I could go again.
Message for Future Participants: It's great, you'll never take a better trip in your life.

I was just checking out the page and it made me completely miss TWB all over again. I'm jealous of all you people that get to go this year. You will have love it!

Rhett Glover - 03/28/00 23:15:23
TWB Participant?: Yes
Trip You Went On: second trip in 99
Message For Past Participants: Wuzzup
Message for Future Participants: This trip is the greatest thing that i have ever done, and i know if you go on it you will love it.


Brad Owens - 03/27/00 00:46:03
TWB Participant?: Hopefuly (will know in a week)
Love Letters, etc, for me!: thanks alot for building this really cool site

You did a really great job on this site.

Jonathan Gould - 03/13/00 06:29:44
TWB Participant?: 96 baby!
Trip You Went On: TWB 96, BahamaRama 96
Address Changes: 3500 Horton St Apt 103 Raleigh NC 27607
Message For Past Participants: Email me!
Message for Future Participants: Dennis is the man!


Misty Beaver - 03/02/00 19:52:14
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1993
Address Changes: 509 N. Graham St. Apt 3B Charlotte NC 28202


April Evans - 03/02/00 01:43:56
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 97' trip #2
Message For Past Participants: Hey all you guys from 97' I haven't heard from any of you! I hope everyone is doing great and drop me an email if you get the chance. I would love to hear from you.
Message for Future Participants: If you are given the opportunity to go on this trip please do not pass it up. It is the experience of the lifetime. Not only do you get the chance to see the USA the way that mother nature intended you too, but yo also make some of the greatest friends of a lifetime. Trust me it is well worth it.


Tracy Bentley - 03/01/00 01:58:21
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1st '98
Message For Past Participants: What's happened to everyone???

I have lost contact w/ everyone completly! If any one knows Stevie Hoyle's EM or address please let me know!Thanx

Kaysie Silver - 11/15/99 22:16:52
TWB Participant?: oh yeah!
Trip You Went On: '97 trip 2
Address Changes: none....send me mail!!!
Message For Past Participants: Hey guys! I know that if Dennis picked you, you are special and that you have something that you could share with everyone!
Message for Future Participants: it's the opportunity of a lifetime! GO!!!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Christina babe you are the best! Haven't talked to you in a time you are going home give me a call and we will do somthing if I am going to be there too!

This was the trip of a lifetime and I would never trade the friendships and memories for anything. If you get the opportunity to it. It is the best experience you will ever have! To all my friends...I love ya all! get in touch!

Michael Allen - 10/22/99 18:05:59
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1st '98
Address Changes: 6431 University Station, Clemson, Sc 29632
Message For Past Participants: I miss everyone that went on the trip with me!! Feel free to write me!!
Message for Future Participants: Go!!

TWB is the best thing that i have done!!! I wish everyone in the world could experience what I have experienced. Go Tigers!!

Anna "Banana" Epps - 10/22/99 13:44:18
TWB Participant?: of coors
Trip You Went On: '97 #2
Address Changes: CPO 536 Wofford College 429 N.Chruch Street Spartanburg, SC 29303
Message For Past Participants: to all of you from my trip: I haven't heard from you in a LONG time. Get in touch w/this little U-TOWN girl.
Message for Future Participants: TWB is the greatest!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: awesome web page!!!


P.D. Mayfield - 10/03/99 04:09:55
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1st '98
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: aren't you glad we went
Message for Future Participants: you must go

HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET IN THE PAST PARTICIPANT'S PAGE. I CANNOT FIGURE IT OUT. IF YOU KNOW HOW PLEASE EMAIL ME. Anyway, why can't anybody keep in touch without me calling first. I still love everybody, but i have been real busy. So email me or call me. It is about time for me to start traveling around to see everyone.

Sallie Beam - 10/02/99 15:36:56
TWB Participant?: as a matter of fact....i am
Trip You Went On: '97-first
Message For Past Participants: hey guys....i fell like a-double-s because i havent kept in touch with anyone, but i hope that can change. i miss everyone so much and i always think of the great times i had on TWB with everyone.
Message for Future Participants: This is an awesome experience that you will never forget..if the opportunity should arise you should definitely take advantage of going on this 23 day excursion into the great country we call America

TWB is the greatest!!! Peace out :)

Jennifer Crawford - 10/02/99 04:59:43
TWB Participant?: Yes
Trip You Went On: 1999 Trip 2
Message For Past Participants: Y'all know how it feels-no need to write a book! TWB is the GREATEST!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I love you Dennis! Thank you SO much for making this wondeful trip possible.


Derik Vanderford - 10/02/99 02:18:41
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1999 (Trip 1)
Message For Past Participants: Whoooooooooo!!!
Message for Future Participants: It's the best thing going today!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I love ya, Darlin'.

I went on the trip. I walked that isle. They loved me out there, especially in Cody. For the people that experienced "Space Mountain," I know for a fact they'll never forget it! ;-)

Brooke Smith - 10/01/99 19:59:22
TWB Participant?: OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Trip You Went On: 2nd trip 1999
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: Hey everyone...I miss everyone...please keep in touch!!!!
Message for Future Participants: GO!!! It's the BEST trip you will EVER go in in your WHOLE life.
Love Letters, etc, for me!: EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!

I miss TWB so bad. I dont' think I will EVER forget the friends i made and the memories we made together. Its been 3 months now since i got back and I still can remember everything like it was yesterday. I MISS EVERYONE!!

Neely Palmer & Lauren Cruse - 09/20/99 21:00:30
My &
TWB Participant?: oh yea!!!!!!
Trip You Went On: both #1 in 97
Address Changes: if you want it, email us
Message For Past Participants: Hey, and we miss you all
Message for Future Participants: Please go, it's the best time of your life
Love Letters, etc, for me!: For Dennis,etc. We miss you and want to talk to everyone

We're in college now, and need to party. Come see us, and we'll go out.(That includes you Dennis!!)

Sallie Arthur - 08/20/99 02:27:13
TWB Participant?: yep
Trip You Went On: summer '97 2nd trip
Address Changes: yep i moved to Sc from Ks (305 Richard st. Union Sc 29379)
Message For Past Participants: get in touch with me
Message for Future Participants: its awesome
Love Letters, etc, for me!: this page is a great idea. thanks for doing it for everyone.

I had a great time! I made some great friends on the trip and experienced places that were miracles! Thanks to Dennis for allowing this little Kansas girl the oppurtunity! I will forever be indebted to you!!! If you are considering this trip go for it...its an awesome experience!!!

Stephanie Moss - 08/15/99 05:19:22
TWB Participant?: Yeppers
Trip You Went On: 1st (1998)
Address Changes: Nope
Message For Past Participants: You guys are the best!! Hey everyone form the 1st trip of 1998 I made a page just for you!!!
Message for Future Participants: Have a blast!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Great page!!!

Hey everyone had a great time!!!

Kyle Penland - 08/11/99 19:44:16
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1998
Message For Past Participants: It was great!!!
Message for Future Participants: Its a trip of a lifetime!!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: We owe it all to the big D!

It was the greatest time of my life. I have never had so much fun and it will stay with me forever. I hope to relive the memories someday.

Thomas McCoy - 08/05/99 15:54:12
TWB Participant?: yes!
Trip You Went On: TWB 95 -BAHAMAs 96,97
Address Changes: 145 E La Mancha Dr. Asheville, NC 28805
Message For Past Participants: HEY!!
Message for Future Participants: Have a blast!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: you are the man, D!


Andrea Littlejohn - 07/31/99 20:35:25
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1999
Message for Future Participants: fun for anyone who has a chance you had better go


Parker Marsh - 07/25/99 04:35:49
TWB Participant?: Ya
Trip You Went On: It was great in 98' (1st)
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: Hey hows it goin, I had a great time and I know you guys did too
Message for Future Participants: Please, be smart and do not pass up this opportunity for ANYTHING

This trip was great. It was so great to travel across the US and see all the great places and thats not all because I met so many great friends. I cant even describe all of the great things about this trip!

P.D. Mayfield - 07/15/99 17:24:21
TWB Participant?: YOU KNOW IT
Trip You Went On: 1st trip '98
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: Everone knows that this trip is the best.
Message for Future Participants: Since it is the best, you must go.

TWB was 23 sunsets and sunrises of being together with the greatest of friends, councelors, and of course Dennis. I finally have internet, so everyone feel free to e-mail me.

Maggie Knight - 07/12/99 03:48:00
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: Trip 1, 1999
Address Changes:
Message For Past Participants: Whats up!!
Message for Future Participants: TWB is like nothing you will ever experience. ITS GREAT!!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Dennis I love you and yes I will iron your clothes.

TWB 99 rocked. Everyone was great and I had tons of fun. I am ready for a reunion already and weve only been home a week. I love you guys!!

Nathan Cline - 07/09/99 16:09:37
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: Trip 1 of '99 baby!
Address Changes: email:
Message For Past Participants: I want to meet ALL past TWB participants! That could take while so email me!
Message for Future Participants: This Christmas, but plenty of McDonald's gift certificates!

TWB has been the most memorable experience of my life. Two nights ago at work "I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane" came on over the loudspeaker and I suddenly remembered our singalongs with my arms around everone. I miss it. We need a reunion already!

Brooke Bailey - 05/29/99 04:35:47
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: First trip of 1998
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: Hey! Write me! I miss everyone!


Brooke Bailey - 05/28/99 22:32:41
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: first trip in 1998
Address Changes: no
Message For Past Participants: TWB is unbelievable
Message for Future Participants: I hope you have a wonderful time! You will never forget all the memories!

Somebody better write me!!!

Caroline Calouche - 05/23/99 21:55:56
TWB Participant?: heck yeah
Trip You Went On: 1st '97
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: i miss ya'll. what are ya'll up to for the summer and those who just graduated? i can come visit you if you just lef me know when a good time is. i'm doing stuff this summer but i'm always up for a road trip. talk to ya later.
Message for Future Participants: jus' go. you'll see.
Love Letters, etc, for me!: nope. no love from here. tee hee. j/k . you know i love all of my twb kids!

email me! that's all. or call or write. whichever. see ya!

MICHAEL ALLEN - 05/12/99 02:14:07
TWB Participant?: YES
Trip You Went On: 1ST 98
Message For Past Participants: THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES
Message for Future Participants: GO!!!! GO!!! GO!!!


Bryan Gaines - 04/26/99 01:23:30
Trip You Went On: 96 1

We are trying to plan a reunion for all of 96 Trip one participants so e-mail me if you want to help or have any ideas.

Lindsay Wallace - 04/08/99 14:45:25
TWB Participant?: I will be this summer:)
Message for Future Participants: Extreamly excited!!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Thanks for giving me such a great oppurnity!!!

I'm going this summer and there is not a day that goes by that i don't think about the fun that i will have on the trip. Thanks!!!!~Lindsay

Leslie Anne Hardee - 04/05/99 16:04:29
TWB Participant?: Yeah!
Trip You Went On: 1996/Trip 1
Message For Past Participants: Hey everybody!
Message for Future Participants: Go and have fun!!!

TWB was the best experience of my life. I'd go back in a heartbeat. I've been on many trips similar to TWB, but none of them were nearly as fun or memorable as TWB.

Erika Woessner - 03/29/99 02:03:54
TWB Participant?: YES!!!!
Trip You Went On: 1st--98
Address Changes: none
Message For Past Participants: I miss you guys soooo much!!! Please email me!!!
Message for Future Participants: GO!!!!!! You will have the time of your life!!!!!!!


Andy Eaker - 03/18/99 01:23:58
TWB Participant?: 1998
Trip You Went On: 1st
Address Changes: no
Message for Future Participants: TWB will be the greatest experience of your lives

somebody send me a copy of their list, someone broke into my house and stole mine, it may have been Dennis. Who ever it was they looked an awful lot like Kevin Costner.

Thomas McCoy - 03/13/99 08:17:21
TWB Participant?: of course!
Trip You Went On: '95 and Bahama Rama '96 '97
Address Changes: 145 E La Mancha Dr. Asheville, N.C. 28805
Message For Past Participants: Yes, Dennis was born that way!!
Message for Future Participants: Savour every minute of life like starving sponge!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Dennis, you are the quan!

I love you all!!!

Kelley Nichols - 03/12/99 19:30:15
TWB Participant?: Of Course!!
Trip You Went On: Summer '98- 2nd trip
Message For Past Participants: Wasn't our trip the greatest! I just want to let all of you know that I had a blast spending 23 days with you guys. We need to keep having these reunions, and those of you not coming BETTER! Now that my email addres is on here, I expect some mail! Keep in touch.
Message for Future Participants: This trip is the greatest! If you have a chance, GO!


Lauren Cruse - 03/10/99 12:09:46
TWB Participant?: Yeah!
Trip You Went On: '97 First Trip
Address Changes: yes, from
Message For Past Participants: I have missed everyone so much!
Message for Future Participants: If you have any doubts, GO, you won't be dissapointed!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Hey!

I haven't talked to many of you since our trip. Sorry I haven't kept in touch. I would love to talk to the people from the '97 trip (anybody else too!) email me sometime! Oh, it was great to hear about this page...

Brianne Hollingsworth - 03/10/99 03:07:13
TWB Participant?: yeah, baby!
Trip You Went On: 1st of '97
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: You guys are the greatest!!! Keep in touch!
Message for Future Participants: It's tons of fun =-)!


Jane Howell - 03/01/99 20:08:25
TWB Participant?: Yeah!!
Trip You Went On: 1998 Trip 2
Message For Past Participants: Please write me! I haven't heard from many of you lately!!
Message for Future Participants: GO!! It's well worth it!!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I like the page!

TWB is the best trip that anyone could ever go on!! I loved it!!

Josh Martin - 02/18/99 03:36:53


Josh Martin - 02/18/99 03:26:21
TWB Participant?: Yes
Trip You Went On: 1997 1st trip
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: Hey...Ive been slack about keeping in touch
Message for Future Participants: GO!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: nice page

I've been really slack...I havent talked to anyone from my trip until this past Monday at the slideshow. Oh well.........if ya wanna...Email me!!

Neely Palmer - 02/16/99 21:49:11
TWB Participant?: of course
Trip You Went On: 97****#1
Address Changes: none


Matthew Robbins - 02/16/99 04:47:35
TWB Participant?: Yes
Trip You Went On: second trip of summer '98
Address Changes: 101 Beverly Drive
Message For Past Participants: I love all of you guys and thanks for being such wonderful friends!
Message for Future Participants: You all have to go on this trip it will change your life forever.
Love Letters, etc, for me!: I love you Dennis, you are the man!

I am so thankful that I participated in TWB'98 and I wish all of the past participants that were on my trip the best of luck for you all. I will always cherish the loving feelings that all of you have shown me and Dennis as well. If it weren't for Denni and all of you guys I wouldn't have had such a wonderful summer. Thank you Dennis and thank you all on TWB'98.

Kory Flowers - 02/09/99 17:33:05
TWB Participant?: yep
Trip You Went On: 1994
Address Changes: 101-H Shadowood Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Message For Past Participants: howdy guys and gals
Message for Future Participants: i'm jealous


Annie Smith - 02/08/99 01:17:03
TWB Participant?: hell yeh
Trip You Went On: 2nd of 96
Address Changes: po box 7271 lander university greenwood, sc 29649
Message For Past Participants: i'm not feeling any love. where are all of you guys hiding??
Message for Future Participants: the best experience of your entire life. you meet new forever friends, you see the usa, and have memories for the rest of your life

twb is about to start a new season again!! let's wish them luck!!

Adam Howell - 02/07/99 02:35:44
TWB Participant?: um--let me think about it-YEAH!!
Trip You Went On: The cross country one
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: Hey
Message for Future Participants: Hi
Love Letters, etc, for me!: Hi-

This is actually Clay Elkins writing these--but Adam did tell me what to write for these --we met at the Grand Canyon w/ the Canyon Cops---wowzers--it's been pretty neat since--Have Fun

meredith harling - 01/31/99 21:14:44
TWB Participant?: yep!
Trip You Went On: 97 1st trip
Address Changes: nope
Message For Past Participants: hi everyone! sorry i haven't kept up that great with anyone. it was a blast while it lasted though. anybody out there thats in the class of 99 lbg WILL be getting a reunion together sometime before we graduate!
Message for Future Participants: You've got to go! it's a great three weeks.

hey everyone from 1st trip 97! email me! it's been awhile since i've heard from alot of you. it would be great to hear what everyones been up too and where everyone's going to school. anyone going to be at state next year? i'm in search of a roomate! hey dennis, ryon, candy, chris, denny, and allison! what's up ya'll!!! see ya! meredith

Greg Luehrs - 01/25/99 17:09:59
TWB Participant?: YES
Trip You Went On: 1994
Address Changes: NO
Message For Past Participants: Hey
Message for Future Participants: Go


Jill Franklin - 01/24/99 20:38:53
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1990
Address Changes: 1186 10th St. Pl. Cir. NW Hickory, NC 28601
Message For Past Participants: Is there anyone from '90 out there? I would love to hear from you.


Laura Harvey - 01/24/99 20:34:25
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 1990
Address Changes: 194 Canterbury Place Road
Message For Past Participants: Anyone from TWB 90?
Message for Future Participants: TWB is the best experience you could ever ask for!


Clay Elkins - 01/23/99 04:17:06
TWB Participant?: uh-Yeah
Trip You Went On: '96 maybe
Address Changes: not really
Message For Past Participants: hey y'all--write me
Message for Future Participants: hey y'all--write me
Love Letters, etc, for me!: oh baby---i don't know you--but good job withthe page--

hum---well heck---i have been looking forthis page for a while know and it's pretty neat i must admit---well---i don't really know what all to say--i am now at Appalachian State University and still keep in touch with a couple of you---and those that i do 't--how's about dropping me a line and we can catch up a little---e-mail is great--well--i hope all is going great with everyone--just remember to always HAVE FUN ---(oh yeah---excellent page)--c-ya later

joshua grenert - 01/22/99 04:07:22
TWB Participant?: yes
Trip You Went On: 97
Address Changes: none
Message For Past Participants: HELLO
Message for Future Participants: HI


Christina DeLuca - 01/18/99 19:24:29
TWB Participant?: oh yeah!
Trip You Went On: '96 trip 2 ... the best one!
Address Changes: @Clemson.... P.O. Box 5389 Clemson, SC 29632-5389
Message For Past Participants: yOU GUYS ARE WONDERFUL! Dennis is da man!
Message for Future Participants: GO! It is the time of your life!
Love Letters, etc, for me!: how do I love thee... let me count the ways...

Okay guy, I want you to notice that I have a new email address, a new personal homepage address, and a new mailing address all at Clemson... Feel free to write me ANYTIME! I get no mail whatsoever so surprise me and send me something! Bye ya'll!

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