School Daze!
Scott and Shannon conceived this show back in 1999 as a"Back to School" musical. The original cast consisted of myself, Byron Gregory, Nicole Foster and Shannon Guggenheim. These following photos, though, are from this year (August 2000).Joining Shannon and me are Randy Frizzado and Murphy Hart...
"Help! I need somebody!"
Oakridge Mall, September 11, 2000
The format of the show is very similar to "Laugh-In" with funny jokes and sketches punctuated by song and dance. For the most part, Scott and Shannon used Motown songs such as "Cool Jerk" (which became the title song), "Respect", "ABC, easy as 123" and "The Name Game" as well as "Help!" and "I'm a Believer".
"School Daze!" ------>
Valley Fair, September 12, 2000
Shannon: "I'm very disappointed by your January report card!!"
Murphy:"Mom, you know how it is! Things are always marked down after the holidays!!!"
Lawrence: "I don't understand why you're doing so badly in history!"
Randy:"It's not my fault!...The teacher's always asking me about things that happenned
before I was born!!!"
"Yakety Yak..."
Oakridge Mall
<---"I'm a believer!"
Valley Fair, September 12, 2000