Theatrical Photo Album
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SAN JOSE FOLLIES, Original Cast - Here I am as the 'Fruit Fly', one of MANY characters I played-thank-you-very-much!
I did this show because I had heard a lot about the director (both good and bad). I am glad to say that this was the last show I ever did with him...
I met a few good friends, though. In fact I also would never have met Jeff if not for this stupid show! (Hmmm, I'm not really sure if that argument was for or against ...)
<--- GASLIGHTER - Who even remembers the name of this melodrama/vaudeville?!!!
I am singing "Suzy, Suzy" with Jade...
Like all the rest of the Melodrama shows I'm sure, We had the most fun behind the scenes! Oh, that Richard Gaetano!!!
As Wanda Wang (above) in YOU SHOULD BE SO LUCKY by CHARLES BUSCH - I always thought I'd make an ugly woman but the director John Robinson didn't think so! "Every actor's dream challenge," he said.  I don't know... It was certainly something. It took me a good 3 hours to make the transformation every night! I am so GLAD I'm not a woman....
FATAL FIESTA! - I was a last minute (three days to performance!) replacement! I was recommended to Katie Hassett's MYSTERY BY DESIGN by Steve Beck (Second guy from the right)
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR - One of my childhood dreams was to play Judas. And here I am, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women (ok, so I can't have everything.  Hey, you two ladies down there: Watch the hands, WATCH THE HANDS...!!!!)
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