William Shakespeare's
King Lear
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Lear: "Are you not Kent?"
Kent: "Vex not his ghost. O, let him pass."
Lear:"Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life?"
Kent: "Sirrah, come on. Come along with us."
Produced by Gavilan College in Spring of 2002 and directed by Marilyn Abad-Cardinalli, this show once again allowed me the golden opportunity to work with my mentor Paul Myrvold.
(Above) Rosa, as Cordelia, and I console the King, while Tina and Shery look on from behind...
(l to r) me as The Earl of Kent, Paul as King Lear, Rosalind Farotte as Goneril (The Eldest Daughter) and John Brewer as The Duke of Albany..
(Above) Kent and Andrew as Edward the fool
(Above) Here I am with Paul in the final scene as he dies, grieving over the dead Cordelia...
Once again, thanks to the very talented Baranduin Briggs for these AWESOME photos!!!
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