Hi, my name is Jessie. I was born in a year full of exciting events - 1973. I guess my character is just like the year I was in, stubborn and hot tempered as an oxen.

I graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and did a part time Bachelor degree in Business Administration with Ottawa University.

My hobbies are karaoke, eating, shopping and irc. I have a special liking for ice cream, chocolates and buffets. Singing and shopping are my favorite. My favorite artistes are Kinki Kids, Emil Chau and Chew Chor Meng. My favorite destinations are Singapore and Japan. I hope to go to every part of Japan visiting a little part of it every year.

It's an honor to have you here to know more about me. Do not hesitate to inform me if you want to know more. The following are some analysis about myself.

The Ox, a plodding tyrant, was born : knowledgeable, comtemplative, eloquent, confident, industrious, steady, doctrinaire, brooding, repetitious, despotic, zealous and monotonous.

The analytically minded Virgo was born : discerning, helful, factual, scrupulous, sensible, modest, judgmental, servile, square, inflexible, preachy and submissive.

Brain works personal evaluation : tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford success regardless of chosen field of endeavor, unless requires total spontaneity and ability to imrpovise.. However, are far from rigid or overcontrolled. Possess a degree of individuality, perceptiveness, and trust in intuition to function at much more sophisticated levels than most. Overall tend to be somewhat more critical of yourself than is necessary and avoid enjoying life too much because of a sense of duty. Feel somewhat constrained and tend to sometimes restrict expressiveness. In any given situation, will opt for the rational, and learning of almost any type should be easy. Might need certain ideas explained in order to fit them into scheme of things, but at least open to that!

Analysed possible career paths : Scientists, Engineers, Professors and Teachers, Medical Doctors/Dentists, Corporate Strategists and Organization Builders, Business Administrators/Managers, Military Leaders, Lawyers/Attorneys, Judges, Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts and Computer Specialists.