Welcome to another interest of mine - Anime . Anime is getting popular in Singapore. I like anime because it is interactive. It often lead people into their own world of fantasy. I love anime with interesting plot, beautifully drawn character and nice colours blend. Below are some anime that I have seen and i like them!

Gundam Wing


Gundam Wing starts in the era of AC. (After Colony) Wars and battles are almost always occuring on Earth, and space colonies are at peace.

5 great scientists developed the Mobile Suits, known as Gundams. Five children were chosen and trained at a young age, each very different from each other These children were chosen to pilot the Gundams. These children were Chang Wufei, Quatre Winner, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, and Heero Yuy.

Me and Gundam Wing

It is basically a good anime. The character will build up well. The excellent artwork of the mobile suit is unparalled. Furthermore, setting is in space, a must see anime for science fiction lover.

The character i adore most is Trowa Barton. His mobile suit is very cool. I like the gentle side of him, his ability to sacriface for his teammate.

A battle scene of two mobile suit(click for enlarged version)

5 gundam pilot
Picture of gundam pilot(click for enlarged version)

trowa barton
Trowa Barton and it's Gundam (click for enlarged version)

5 gundam mobile suit
Picture of 5 gundam (click for enlarged version)





Rurouni Kenshin


Nineteenth century Japan: a land torn by warfare and rebellion.

After the Meiji Restoration, Himura Kenshin, a rurouni (vegabond) arrived in Tokyo where he met a 17 year old girl, Kamiya Kaoru, whose father is a sword master. He died in a war and Kaoru was left with a large property - the dojo (a place for martial arts training). As the baddies tried to take away the dojo from Kaoru, Kenshin came to her rescue, and was asked to stay, which he did. During his stay, he found a friend in Sanosuke and a 10 year old boy Yahiko.

Me and Rurouni Kenshi

I like it as Rurouni Kenshin has its spectacular fighting scene, as well as its rather unique setting (samurai age) . Other reason is because of its good plot and good artwork.

The character I like most is Sanosuke. He is well known for his brute strength and his martial skills. The artwork of him looks really cool!

Kenshin (click for enlarged version)

Kamiya Kaoru
Picture of Kaoru

Picture of Sanosuke



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