Welcome! My friendly dragon Sir William Scalefire greets you!

Ysabell's Castle!

Thank you kindly for your visit! I hope you enjoy your stay in my kingdom!

Night and Day

Welcome to Ysabell's Castle!
In my kingdom will find all you need to know about Greek Mythology, and great info on Sci-fi, fantasy, Broadway Plays, Books, and Poems. :) Plus- two new aditions!! The Astronomy Page and a page all about Ancient Egypt. By the way:
Go to my Fantasy page and enter a contest!
Also- go to my awards page to view awards given to me and for information on applying for my award.
Take a look through these chaimbers bellow:

In the event that this is not working, there is also a toolbar with links near the bottom of the page.

Night + Day

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Ysabell's Poll
What is your opinion on the Harry Potter books?

I LOVE the books!!! And I think it's great to get so many kids reading again.
I LOVE them- and don't care that kids are reading more.
I think it is OK, and I am glad kids are reading more.
The whole thing is so-so.
I don't like it!
I HATE it!!
I AM Harry Potter- and you'd better like my books, or else I'll send Voldemort after you! :)

Current Results

Have You Voted Yet??
What are you waiting for? Add your opinion to Ysabell's Poll! They change frequently, and usually are about the different topics that have pages throughout my site. If you would like to see the final results for previous polls,
Click Here!!


Links to other sites on the Web

From Intriuge to Obsession- An informative website about Anime
jellybelly.com ~This is the website of Jelly Belly brand jelly beans.
The Homepage of a Great English Teacher in Southern California.
And Mike Gary's Tesla Coil Homepage ~a very informative and interesting site about tesla coils.
Pre-Raphaelites.com ~A gallery of pictures and information about the art era of the Pre-Raphaelites.


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Thanks for visiting my page! Hope to see you again soon!

© 1998-00 ysabell@hotmail.com

For Copywrite info Click Here!

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The music playing is called,"Epona," by Enya