Plasma, Laser, Acceleration of Charged Particles
Plasma, Laser, Acceleration of Charged Particles.

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Plasma ==== Плазма
Associated Plasma Laboratory - LAP   National Space Research Institute - INPE
The Associated Plasma Laboratory (LAP) of the Special Technologies Center (CTE) of the National Space Research Institute (INPE), in Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil, is devoted to investigating plasma and its many applications.
U.C. Berkeley Non-Neutral Plasma Bibliography
table lists most of the papers published by members of the U.C. Berkeley Non-Neutral Plasma group. Where available, click on paper for a copy of the paper. Papers are in Adobe pdf format.  Alternately, you can download our reprint book, which contains most of our papers through August, 1999.  Note that many of these papers can be downloaded from the homepages of the journals: please see the list at the bottom of this page.  Many of these papers are also copyrighted by the American Institute of Physics or the American Association of Physics Teachers.
плазма -Что такое плазма.
Laser ==== Лазер
High Power Pulsed Lasers
list of some of the most powerful lasers from around the world. Click on laser link (first column) to view laser specifications and images, or click on location in right column to go to the laser web site.
Acceleration of Carged Particles ==== Ускорение заряженых частиц
Charged Particle Beams              *****
Space Charge Effects in the Cyclotron-resonance Laser Accelerator
CAS - CERN Accelerator School: 5th General accelerator physics course  Vol. I
CAS - CERN Accelerator School: 5th General accelerator physics course  Vol. II
Course Accelerator Physics and Ion Optics
Plasma Accelerator Group Web Site!
Course Accelerator Physics and Ion Optics
K. McDonald's Accelerator Physics Notes (+ notes on related topics in strong-field QED and in Laser Acceleration)
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