I have a story to tell, even though I know that few people will listen. I know that I will be ignored by the masses, even though they are the ones who should pay closest attention, for it is their story that I tell.
And while I know that I should probably allow the events set before you to speak for themselves, I feel obligated to warn you as to how the story ends: we all die. Yes, we, for this is my story too.
There is no profound moral here, no Faustian parallel of how "pride goeth before a fall." I am not here to tell you that you should live your lives a certain way, religion has already taken care of that, and for the most part, done their jobs fairly well. What I am here to tell you is this: in the end, none of this matters. Who, what, and where you are mean absolutely nothing in the eyes of the universe, and there is no such thing as forever. Or, if there is, it is a finite concept relative to the perspective of the individual contemplating it. Paradox, I know, but it is the best I can do. With all that I have seen, words fail me at times.
However, if this must be analyzed and interpreted, dissected for a universal truth that will change lives for better or worse, let it be this: humans, as a race, are the best examples of existentialism. Our mottos and creeds illustrate plainly: we will die, and we are afraid of it. Even the Christian creed "life goes on" exemplifies this, as it will seem with the addition of two very important words: without you.
In this modern, "civilized" society that I have come to be a part of it has been made blatanly obvious that the concept of forever has been lost to modern man, the Neo-Neanderthals. However, I end my personal statement here, lest I become too passionate and lose objectivity and allow my message to become corrupted by emotion. It is here that the real lesson begins.
prologue   one   two   three   four