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Professor of Economics,
Faculty of Political Sciences,
Ankara University.

Yahya Sezai Tezel

Born in Trabzon and finished primary school there. Attended junior high school and high school at Ankara College of Turkish Education Society. Graduated from the economics and finance department of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University. Took Tripos Part II of the economics programme of Cambridge University (Sidney Sussex College) and worked there as a post-graduate student. Participated in the intern programme of the United Nations at Geneva. Took his Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University.

Worked in the "international economics and economic development chair" of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University, first as research and teaching assistant and then as assistant professor and taught topics related to development economics and economic history in the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes of the faculty. Taught similar courses at the Middle East Technical University. Participated in the establishment of the Development and Social Research Centre of Ankara University. Was granted a study mission scholarship by the OECD with which he visited about one hundred research centres in ten European countries and studied their structuration and functioning.

Was granted "research fellowship" by the Rockefeller Foundation to enable him to do "advanced studies in developmental topics". With this fellowship worked at Harvard University Institute of International Development as "visiting scholar".

Worked as the founding director of the Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities of The Middle East Technical University. During this period, continued to teach undergraduate courses on general economic history, economic history of Turkey, economic growth theories and graduate courses on philosophy of social sciences and economic theory.

Worked as the chief economic advisor of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Turkey, during Mr. Ersin Faralyali's presidency.

Participated in the Salzburg Seminar's session on "philosophy and public life".

Was granted a British Council scholarship with which he worked on a research project on "relations between state, society and economy in the civilizational tradition of the Middle East" as a "visiting scholar" in the Middle East Centre of Cambridge University, during when he also gave lectures at Cambridge, Oxford and Pennsylvania universities.

Earned the academic degree of University Professor and was appointed as professor in the "international economics and economic development chair" of the economics department of the Faculty of Political Sciences (Ankara University).

In addition to his academic work, worked as the head of the "department of European Community affairs" of the Ministry of Finance and Customs and led the Turkish customs delegations at the negotiations with the EC and EFTA in 1991-92.

As professor of economics taught undergraduate and graduate courses on economic history and international economics at Ankara and Bilkent Universities.

He has publications on economic history of Turkey and the Middle East, economic growth and development, and philosophy of social sciences and history.

He was writing a regular weekly column for the Radikal during 1996 - 1998 and now has been writing a regular column for the Sunday Suppliment of the Yeni Binyil.

He is participating as a founding member, in the launching of the Balkan Political Club, emerging under the leadership of Dr. Zhelyu Zhelev, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria.