<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ystradband/userfiles:/user/w-g.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Words of Wisdom

Welcome!  When Wendoline's wise words were written (whilst watching Wimbledon with Wallace) Welsh women were wearing woolly winter wear while westerly winds whistled wildly.  We wreak widespread worry when we wander wishy-washily without wisdom.
Warmest wishes,

(Although Wendoline is best known for doing mean things to sheep, we have allowed her to have her say as long as she keeps well away from Sergeant Sheep and Larry the Lamb.)
People in brass band rooms shouldn't throw cornets.

A sectional rehearsal in time saves nine hours of the rest of the band listening to the second and third cornets.

A horn in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Tuba or not tuba... That is the question.

It is better to have competed and lost than to never have competed at all.

He who hesitates is a percussionist.

If music is the food of love, you must be on the verge of starvation.

Too many wrong notes spoil the performance.

Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do.

Absence makes the conductor grow annoyed.

There is no smoke without Steve's cigars.

Don't keep all your lyres in one basket.

You can lead a cornet player to water, but you can't make him play off the beat.

A scale a day keeps the sticky valves away.

Don't make a crotchet out of a minim.

Practice makes perfect.
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