Me and the resident genius, Valdreag, have started a reverse FAQ! Don't know what that is?  Go find out!  (Wow, remind me to stay away from the advertising industry.  This is scary.)
Random Collections:
Is No more.
Disclaimer: The hair is gone.
And so is this excuse for a journal.  The archives for it and my current bitchings are now at
Visit Valdreag's Random Stuff Page!
Thursday, October 2, 01:34
Well, this is the end, i'm afraid.  I've sold out.  I've given in.  Ujournal reached out by way of Kate and whispered softly in my ear "You, like your father, are now mine."  Actually... it was more a voluntary thing.  And my dad would never use a ujournal unless it would somehow help his finances.  Or his blackmailing of sons and daughter.  Yeah, i think that's all possible scenarios.  And those aren't likely.  Well, maybe he could pay for a Ujournal and then use it as a tax writeoff?  But even then, he wouldn't write in it.  Anyways...  back to the point i swear i had...  Ah yes.  This is the last update i will make to this page.  ever.  From now on, you can hear my ramblings/bitching/poetry(?) at:

That being said, and all the information having been passed on to the next generation, i bid you adieu.  I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it.


Don't worry, the FAQ will continue.  And still be funny as hell.
If you have any answers, comments, concerns, or random stuff that you would like to see on this page, you can e-mail me at I will probably make fun of/ignore what you send me, but then again, you might just get your 15 minutes of fame. I am also open to critique on my poetry which I have posted on my random stuff page, which you can access through the link above. Finally, we can alsways post as many answers to our questions as you can send us, so keep 'em rolling in!
