Welcome! This is -dreamscapes-, the Kuzuki Kakyou fanlisting approved by
thefanlistings.org. To learn more, click -about- in the link box to the left. You MUST read the -rules- in order to -join-. Failure to do so will get you deleted from the member list! Other than that, join now! :D
Since I'm using a guestbook service as the join/member list section of the fanlisting, I won't have to update the main page! Yes, I'm lazy. :) However, I WILL check the guestbook entries to make sure people follow the rules. I'll only update if there's a major change or there's a new layout or something.
-Update: 9/15/03-
Gack! o.o I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. School momentarily had me bogged down, and I'm trying to prepare a move, but I am lazy. Of course, I've been keeping up with the members. If you joined and *gasp!* your entry is no longer in the guestbook, guess what that means?
YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW THE RULES, SO YOU WERE DELETED. It's simple as that. If you'll READ them you can figure out what you did wrong and try again. It's not hard folks, I assure you. Please, just read and type the extra word, what's so hard about it? ~_~
This is a short update. I'm still trying to figure out how php works. >.< Ja mata.
This site is best viewed in IE 4.0+, 800x600 resolution maximized (full screen preferred).
If you have any questions, comments, and all that jazz, PLEASE EMAIL ME. Let me know if there's anything I can do to improve this, or if something needs fixed, or changed. Email me @
usilionpope@hotmail.com with "Kakyou Fanlisting" as the subject line. I will get back to you asap. Thank you, and enjoy! :D