1* You must have a webpage. No if's, doubts, or buts about it. You must have a site no email thingy.

2* Your site must not have any kind of hentai, porn, content or images on your site! (though I will except Yaoi and Yuri sites that are only tasteful sites!)

3* You must have the code up before joining! I don't want to go there and see nothing, Please!

4* No sticky caps! I dOn'T lIkE tHiS! It's not cool it's dumb.

5* You must always have the code up! I might come by every once in awhile to see who still has it up. And who ever doesn't I kick them off my members list. Sorry but that's just the way it is. If you don't want to become a member anymore use the form please! So I can take you off my list! Or if you changed your site's address please email me!

6* Make sure it's a food you picked! Ok I'm bending the rules on a Bishonen or Bishoujo of Anime being Delicious. But no real people like *Nsync, BSB, Boyfriend whatever. THOSE AREN'T ALLOWED! X.x And the you need to type  "Ragnarok" on the form under "What's good?" Remember this! It's needed when you join. So I know you read the rules!

Now, go ahead and join if you
aboutrules & join & members