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Jalle Bakke started hairdressing in Sweden about seven years ago. Part of my job included travelling all over Scandanavia doing hairshows, and it was at one of these that I first tried my hand at make-up. I got really fedup with trying to explain to the make up artists what I wanted for my models and I thought I could do it better myself. So I told this particular make up artist to go and get a cup of coffee and promptly got stuck in. I really enjoyed doing it and it grew from there´´ Jalle´s friends weren´t slow to recognise the fact that Jalle was desperate to guinea-pigs; and that they could have a complet makeover if they arrived at his house before he hit the local nightclubs. How to get started in make-up : 1- The main objective is to build up a portfolio of your work. Like styling and hairdressing, you should find a photographer who want to do likewise and split the cost, and then involve would be hairdressers and models 2 - Practise on friends and learn as much as you can without the pressure of dealing with real clients. 3 - Many beauty shools are exprensive, but they´re usually worth it as they furnish you with a portfolio. One of the best beauty schools is Complections International School of Make-Up 4 - Once you have a portfolio, approach local magazines for printed work. Many large mags and agencies won´t consider you until you can show that your work is good enough to be printed 5 - Always have a calling card and photocopies of your work to leave with clients so they can keep a file on you. Make your tips from the experts : 1 - Always be aware that you are dealing with a very delicate part of the body. Never pull or scrape at the face especially when you are dealing with models who have to wear many different foundations in one day. 2 - Make it easy on yourself by organising your work box so that everything is at hand. Save time by emptying out all lipsticks/shadows etc into a palette so that you don´t have to keep removing and replacing tops 3 - Many large make-ups firms will give you free samples towork with and when your portfolio has printed work, might even consider sponsoring you 4 - Important ! Always start a job by applying a little at a time. It´s much easier to add more make-up than it is to get it off if you´ve been heavy handed. 5 - Check with the photographer or art director as to chich lighting they are using. There are many different types of light which show the face in a different way, and the make-up need to be able to work with the lighting to achieve the desired effect. 6 - Once you know which lighting is to be used, apply the make up in daylight in front of a large window, since daylight is the most critical, and anyuncovered blemishes or harshtone lines will easily show up. i-D BIBLE - 80S |
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