Story Synopsis Part1


Everything starts off with a FMV showing the epilogue of TOD1 where Stahn and co saved the world by destroying ダイクロフトwith the help from Swordians.


18 years later….



Here we see Kyle and a few children being chased by bears, a quick flashback explains that the children wanted a real adventure so Kyle promised that he’d protected them since he has the blood of Stahn inside him.  Now the flashback finishes and just as Kyle is about to fall prey to the bears a rescuer arrives identifying himself as Loni Dunamis, Kyle’s brother-like figure who left to become a templar solider a while ago.  After fending off the bears, Kyle collapses due to fatigue. 


Kyle awakes on Loni’s back as they arrive in クレスタ Loni explains to Kyle that it’s nice to be back and after a small wondering around they head off to the Dunamis orphanage where they both grew up.  Dunamis orphanage is now maintained  by Rutee, Kyle’s mother and one of the four heroes that saved the world 18 years ago.  After arriving at the orphanage, Loni tells Kyle that it’s still crappy as usual and he’s got an idea for coming up with the $$ needed for a refurnish.  Just happens that there’s been a rumor floating around about a massive Lens being located in ラグナ遺跡 which is easily worth more than 3 Million gold.  Kyle becomes extremely excited at the idea and begs to tag along for the Lens search, Loni hesitates but succumbs to Kyle’s constant begging.  Loni finally agrees to bring Kyle along but only with Rutee’s permission.


After a happy reunion with Rutee, they sit down and Rutee asks Loni how are things in Cult.  Loni tells Rutee that he thinks the Cult is acting really strange lately, especially after a woman called エルレイン showed up, people with Lens are getting priorities in medication and praying which isn’t right when everyone should be treated equal.

Kyle then asks Rutee if he can go out on a adventure with Loni and Rutee blatantly says no due to the fact that she thinks Kyle is still too young for this sort of stuff.  Kyle then complains how Rutee herself was already a Lens Hunter at his age.  Rutee says that Kyle will only be a burden to Loni but Kyle rejects by saying he has his father’s blood in him and he won’t be a burden.  Rutee thinks otherwise and tells him that why she’s worried because he has Stahn’s blood in him.  Anyway Rutee ends the conversation and sends Kyle off to sleep.  Kyle is determined to go either with or without Rutee’s consent, since he believes it’s his job to look after the orphanage till Stahn comes back.  In Kyles dream that night, he saw Stahn and Rutee being attacked by a mysterious figure and he wakes up just as Stahn is about to be slashed…


After usual morning call from Rutee, Kyle meets Loni downstairs and Loni decides to take Kyle with him but he would withdraw immediately if he thinks it’s too much to handle.  So off they go to ラグナ遺跡 without Rutee’s consent.





As they arrive at the ruins, so does the scout team from Atamoni Cult (the cult Loni works for).  Kyle and Loni hides while the scout decides to check out the forward entrance, since they don’t want to be caught they decide to take the back door entrance.


After getting to the most inner part of the ruin, they come to face a massive Lens which explodes into shards and a girl emerges from it.  While the duo are still in a state of shock, the girl talks to herself saying that her job is to find a hero, a hero that has the power to change history.  Kyle over hears the mumblings and rushes up to the girl telling her that her search is already over since he’ll become a great hero one day.  The girl stares at Kyle for a brief moment then wonders off saying that Kyle isn’t the hero she’s looking for.  Just as Kyle and Loni is about to go after the girl in comes the Cult scout team, they both end up being accused of thieves responsible for the disappearance of the big Lens.  When Loni said he has had enough with the Cult and wanted to break through by force he and Kyle gets knocked unconscious and taken to ダリルシェイド where further interrogations await them.




Loni screams at the door for a while and Kyle slowly gets up and gets unusually excited, Loni thought Kyle’s head must’ve been whacked pretty hard but it turns out that he’s excited about this “adventure” and decides to start adventuring for real after they return to クレスタKyle names his adventure as “the adventure needed to become a hero”, he wants to find that mysterious girl and let her understand that he has what it takes to become the hero she’s looking for.  Loni thinks it’s pretty cool idea and decides to tag along, saying that after this incident he knows that the Cult isn’t the place where he belongs and along side Kyle is where he should be.  Loni then says he always thought he could be a replacement as a fatherhood figure for Kyle after that day….


A laughter comes from the top and a slim figure wearing a mask jumps down from the top and scoffs at Kyle’s idea of becoming a hero.  Kyle then asks when can’t he become one and the masked person says hero is a label giving by people for one’s deeds and not something you can try and grasp, the more you try to become one, the further away you’re actually from the path of being one.  Loni comments that this masked person is talking as if he’s a hero himself (sarcasm).  Masked person says that he isn’t a hero himself but he knows at least 4 people who are eligible to be called one.  Loni then laughs and tells him that not only do they know them, they’re actually Kyle’s parents.  The masked person then realizes who he’s actually talking to, Kyle then starts complaining how they have to find a way out of this place before that girl wonders off too far.  The masked person says he has a good idea to get them out of this place, Loni quickly tells Kyle that he shouldn’t trust someone who hides their true identity under a mask.  Kyle says there isn’t time to worry about such things and asks the masked person if he has a name.  Masked person replies saying that names are meaningless to him and Kyle gives him the name “Judas” (wonder where he got that idea from). 

Judas then proceeds to knocking down the front door with his sword and leads everyone out.  The way out is guarded and just as Kyle and Loni is running out of ideas Judas gives Kyle a sorcerer  ring(S.Ring) and explains that even though this place was rebuilt into a monastry after Oberon company collapsed, secret passage that the president Hugo once used still remains.  Kyle asks why Judas knows about all those things, and Judas says there is no point in further discussion and then tells him to move on.


As they reached the exit of underground sewer, Judas complains how he could've escaped a lot faster if he was by himself. Loni tells Kyle to leave this
place and away from this weirdo, Kyle says Judas is a nice person cos he lead them out of the prison even though he could've escaped alone. Judas surprised by Kyle's remarks almost asked if he could join them on their journey but in the end he still left wishing Kyle "luck" in trying to become a hero.



By Arcor                                                                                                                               

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