The Mini Mag of Micro Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror

Launch Date: January 1, 2003
New as of
April 5, 2003

I'm a huge fan of speculative fiction. I can remember rummaging through discount bins for old copies of Asimov's, the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, MZB's Magazine, Weird Tales, etc. Unfortunately, the market has been plagued with inadequate opportunities to showcase new talent. Most professional magazines are so backlogged with high quality material that they are all but impossible to crack. And many talented authors/illustrators are loathe to submit to the small press. I can appreciate why: would you rather get $250 or a complimentary copy?
I mulled it over and decided to launch my own magazine. The result is TriSpec: a monthly small press micro-sized magazine that pays professional rates. Ideally, I would like to have one well-known author from each genre to draw reader intrest, then wow them with up-and-comers. I also intend to recommend choice works for various awards.
To be fair to all contributors, I'll post the number of works under consideration, as well as the number of pieces accepted. I'll accept e-mail and snail mail submissions. Please be sure to enclose a SASE (if applicable) and the issue number you would like to be considered for (if desired).

Physical Characteristics:
4.5 inches x 5.5 inches
44 pages (including cover)
Black and White Card Stock Cover
LAYOUT (in total number of pages)
Science Fiction Fantasy Horror
Fiction 9 9 9
Poetry 3 3 3
Illustrations 1 1 1
The remaing 5 pages will be: biographies (2 pages), the cover (1 page), a table of contents (1 page) and Editor's Notes (1 page).
There will be 3 double issues each year (every 4 months). These issues will be 84 pages in length. The extra 40 pages will be devoted to: Science Fiction (Feburary), Fantasy (June), and Horror (October).

Regular Issue $1.75 $2.50
Double Issue $2.50 $3.75
1-year Subscription $20.00 $30.00
All prices include tax and delivery.  Payment can be made by cheque, money order in US or Canadian funds, or with a credit card via  PayPal.  Please write it out to "John Lewis-Garrett" at the address on the submissions page.  A receipt will accompany the first issue.
Single-Issue bulk orders (10+ copies): 20% off
Members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), the Horror Wrters Association (HWA), or the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA) will receive a 20% discount on single issues, OR AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF bulk orders and/or subscriptions.